The Iconoclast
Some days mild and autumnal in Southern England, cooler and winter is more advanced further north The final part of I Am the Autumnal Sun by Henry David Thoreau. I am the […]
On “Protesting” the Election of Donald Trump
by James Como I did not vote for the man: the extent of his ad hominem was repugnant. He is an acquired taste. So I’m still getting there (and never […]
Filling the Spiritual Void with Politics – doesn’t work
by Matthew Hausman Progressive Jews wear their partisan allegiances on their sleeves during election season, often taking positions that are so inconsistent with tradition as to cast doubt on whether […]
Why Honor Yasser Arafat?
by Michael Curtis We can never know the whole truth, but we do know some of it. We know for sure that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii […]
Remembrance 2016
Somewhere in England the inhabitants of a place, once a village, then a town, now a suburb, came together at the Parish Church to remember the dead of two World […]
US to resettle Australia’s rejected refugees languishing on islands
I can’t wait until we have sanity in office.
Islamic State Group Flourishes and Recruits in Pakistan
Russia arrests 10 suspected terrorists planning Moscow, St. Petersburg attacks
From Tass News agency MOSCOW — Russia’s security service says it has arrested 10 people who were preparing terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg and who had contacts with […]
Trump Voters Need No Lectures From the Left
by Gary Fouse It is truly amazing to see the howls of anger emanating from the left at the election of Donald Trump. The very evening of the election, when […]
Woman fined €30,000 for wearing niqab in Italy town hall
From the Italian edition of Messaggero Veneto reported. She was there to watch her son, and reportedly refused to remove the veil for identification despite the mayor, Antonio Di Bisceglie […]
Out-Rigging the Vote
by David Solway There can be no doubt that the voting process was rigged against Donald Trump in more ways than one. According to reports, fiscal criminal and youthful Nazi […]
Donald Trump’s Assault on Both Parties Will Make America Better
by Conrad Black It is not such a surprise that Americans have elevated Donald Trump to the headship of their country. It was improbable at first, because of his raucous […]
Berlin IS terror suspect identified German capital’s landmarks as targets
Nigel Farage to be Donald Trump’s go-between amid claims Special Relationship with US is faltering
Ministers will use Nigel Farage as an unofficial intermediary to build bridges with Donald Trump to ensure the “special relationship” does not falter in the wake of his election.
Lafayette PD: UL student made up story about attack, stolen hijab
From physically attacked and robbed of her wallet and hijab made up the story, according to the Lafayette Police Department. Public Information Officer Karl Ratcliff said police are charging the […]
Raccoons: C’mon Try It!
Geico has produced some funny commercials. This new one rivals “