The Iconoclast
Don’t Blame The West
by Michael Curtis Everyone except barbaric jihadists will greet with delight the news that Iraqi military forces, helped by U.S. training, and allies are approching to liberate the city of […]
Cometh the Hour, Cometh the (Wo)Man, Or, Ayaan Hirsi Ali for Ambassador to the U.N.
by Hugh Fitzgerald Donald Trump’s first appointment – one he could announce urbi et orbi within the week, if the person I have in mind is willing – should be […]
#Calexit: California want to leave the US after Donald Trump’s election win
Don’t tease us, go ahead and take Washington and Oregon with you. It’ll be a liberal paradise. Please, please, please. Go ahead, It’ll be great!
They’re Burning American Flags Again
Look at a those sad little faces. They didn’t get their way. How ever will they live through it?
America Plays "Cheat the Prophet".
As I have watched the current USA presidential election campaign playing out, all the way from its first beginnings to its end that has surprised (for good or for ill) so […]
The Diversionary Anti-Racism Campaign
by Lorna Salzman “This is the real potential disaster of 2016: That legitimate economic discontent is going to be dismissed as bigotry and xenophobia for years to come.” — Thomas […]
Violent Protests in Indonesia Blow an Ill Will for Religious Tolerance
by Mark Durie (November 2016) Jakarta Riots against Christian Governor November 4, 2016 Source: Reuters In Jakarta violence between protestors and police broke out Friday night, November 4, 2016 when […]
US election: Donald Trump elected president of United States
Fromuote Nigel Farage “I thought Brexit was big, this is bigger” More later, and from those closer to the campaign. Congratulations.
Zionism is a racist fascist cult’: Israeli Embassy’s fury after anti-Semitic hate speaker gives talk at a top London university
From the
Geert Wilders’ Plan : Time for Liberation of The Netherlands
Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) Source: De Limburger Geert Wilders is enmeshed in yet another political trial. This time brought by the Hague Prosecutors based on […]
UCF Judaic Studies with Dr. Berdichevsky Tues., Nov. 15
The UCF Judaic Studies Lecturers Series presents Dr. Norman Berdichevsky on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Central Florida Hillel. He will talk about the importance of Modern Hebrew to the Jewish […]
Sydney, Australia: Bengali Muslim "Asylum-Seeker", Surnamed "Islam", Kidnaps, Imprisons and Rapes Under-Aged Infidel Girl
The girl was from a foster home; there are aspects of this case that are reminiscent of the way in which so mamy, many Muslims in the UK have preyed […]
Who Killed US Army Special Forces Operators Training anti-ISIS forces in Jordan?
US Fifth Special Forces Group Operators Killed in Jordan Source: US Army Friday, November 4, 2016, three Special Operators from the US Army Fifth Special Forces Group, based at Fort […]
Geert Wilders, Or, A Daniel Come to Judgment “More In Sorrow”
by Hugh Fitzgerald In March 2014, during a political rally at The Hague, Geert Wilders asked his audience whether they wanted “more or fewer Moroccans” in The Netherlands. “Fewer, fewer,” […]
The ‘extremist’ schools we can’t close: Four Muslim colleges ordered to shut down by the Government use the courts to defy ministers
Four Islamic schools ordered to close following fears over extremism or pupil safety continue to operate because the Government is powerless to shut them down, the
What a Spectacle this Election has Been
by Conrad Black Squalid, garish, heavy-laden with mud-slinging and mired in corruption though the U.S. election campaign is, almost unmitigated mockery of everything that the founding documents of the United […]