The Iconoclast
Imam faces prosecution after police raid Winterthur mosque
From the Swiss edition of
Jewish Salonica: A Great Sephardic Community
by Michael Curtis Much of the writing on Jewish history has focused on the complex experience of Ashkenazi Jews, their achievements as well as the discrimination and persecution mounted against […]
Trump Can Fix It
by Conrad Black It is hard to believe that this clangorous campaign of defamations is in its last week. Of course, in the first year of Donald Trump’s largely self-financed […]
Sharia law being administered in shop basements, MPs told
From the Telegraph Unofficial and unregulated Sharia law bodies are operating “everywhere in the country” preforming marriages and handing out divorces, the head of a body set up to standardise […]
Somali gang jailed for the systematic rape and abuse of vulnerable schoolgirls in Bristol
From the
IRS Sent up a White Flag of surrender on Z Street v Koskinen Case
Source: Dr. Rich Swier eMagazine IRS Sent up a White Flag of Surrender on the Z Street v. Koskinen case By Jerry Gordon Last week, the Internal Revenue Service […]
Peter Thiel’s Speech Supporting Trump at National Press Club
What Shall I Do with These Memories?
by Samuel Hux (November 2016) What indeed? We humans are so time-bound: trapped in Past-Present-Future. The Future is not here yet but will be when this fraction of a second we call […]
‘Islam no longer religion of peace’ Muslim Charlie Hebdo journalist hits out at extremists
From The Express We need to stop saying Islam is a religion of peace and love ~ Zineb El Rhazoui Zineb El Rhazoui, who was luckily in Casablanca the day […]
Top sharia court ‘is protecting wife-beater suspects’
From the Mail on Sunday A prominent sharia court has been accused of “sabotaging” criminal proceedings to protect alleged perpetrators of domestic violence against women. The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (Mat) […]
Isil claims responsibility for Hamburg knife attack that killed teenager
From Deutsche Welle Isil claimed responsibility for a “lone wolf” knife attack in Hamburg on October 16 which left a teenager dead, the Isil-affiliated news agency Amaq reported. The jihadist group claimed the […]
“Meet Your Muslim Neighbors”
by Hugh Fitzgerald Ever since 9/11, mosques and “Islamic centers” have been conducting campaigns of determined “outreach” to non-Muslims. The point of this “outreach” is to present Islam as the […]
The medical (and legal) consequences of looking at your phone in bed
by Theodore Dalrymple An extremely interesting little item in the New England Journal of Medicine caught my eye recently, if that is not an unfortunately expression in the circumstances. Two […]
Empty Reels by András Mezei
Translated from the Hungarian & Edited by Thomas Ország-Land (November 2016) ANDRÁS MEZEI (1930-2008), a child survivor of the Hungarian Holocaust, emigrated to Israel after the war but returned […]
Drawing the Line
by Dilip Mohapatra (November 2016) The mannequin behind the check in counter checks your ticket and identity asks for your seat preference without moving her lips more>>>
Caesarean Roundel
by David P. Gontar (November 2016) Caesar Caesar Basket weaver Lady loved and sought to leave her more>>>