The Iconoclast
Two jailed following hitman murder of Acton imam after dispute over mosque
A most unsavoury affair. From the Get West London Two men have been jailed for the murder of an imam in Acton after a dispute over a mosque. Khalid Rashad, […]
Trump vs. Clinton: A Fight about Character
by Conrad Black As I am about to depart on an overseas trip and will miss at least one week in this space, I offer a brief forward look on […]
Iranian workers at Chelmsford pizza shop accused of drugging and raping underage teen girls
It was obviously not going to be confined to norhtern mill towns, even if the corruption in Rotherham was on a grand scale. This is from
Explosive undercover video reveals Clinton camp mischief
Remember the “violent protests” that shut down a planned Trump rally in Chicago in March? Or the anti-Trump protests that closed a road to a Trump event in Arizona? There […]
Probable "Honour" Murder in Sydney, Australia: Afghan Hazara Muslim "Refugee" Burns Wife To Death Inside House
As reported in two successive stories in the ABC just this week. The first report named no names, but something about the shape of the story set my thumbs a-pricking, […]
Sydney, Australia: Muslim JIhad Plotter’s Mother Didn’t Report Him
What a surprise… not. Al wala wa al bara – loyalty (to fellow Muslims only) and enmity (toward all non-Muslims qua non-Muslims) – the guiding principle of Mohammedan gang behaviour. Members […]
‘Make Muslims of them ALL’ Radicals call for ‘Islamification’ outside Swedish Parliament
here The Swedish politician also claimed many of those gathered in the square between the Royal Palace and the Parliament House were unaccompanied refugees from Afghanistan. Bali said one of them […]
France: School orders Muslim pupil to shave his beard or face expulsion over radicalisation fears
British Peer: Polygamy ‘Commonplace’ Within Muslim Communities in Britain
I have a lot of respect for Baroness Cox. From
Sydney, Australia: Counter-Terrorism Cops Arrest Two Muslim Youths, Seize Knives
I apologise for coming in late with this; the arrest happened last week, but I have not had time to cover it until now. Make sure to click on links […]
Islamic school that taught pupils ‘gay men should be killed’ closed down
From the The Times A boarding school for Muslim girls is set to close its doors following a damning Ofsted report. Jamia Al-Hudaa Residential College for Girls in Nottingham has been […]
Rediscovering William Ziff’s 1938 Book About Mandatory Palestine, Britain, the Ummah, and the Jews
In 2010 the Mansfield Centre reprinted a book that many, it seems, have forgotten – William Ziff’s The Rape of Palestine, first published in November 1938. Despite an interest in […]
Tommy Robinson in Dresden Pegida Rally October 2016
The Pleasures of Karaoke
I had always looked down on karaoke as a frivolity not worthy of a serious person’s attention. It was a perversion of the spirit of originality, a chastening spectacle of […]
Podesta email leaks from Clinton campaign prove Democrats go low
by Kenneth R. Timmerman Hillary Clinton has “do no harm.” She and her advisors apparently think she can coast to victory and let her surrogates do all the heavy lifting. […]
This is how democracy is supposed to work
by Conrad Black The American election has now become so absurd and outrageous that we are fully into the season of unctuous hand-wringing that the presidency has been mortally wounded […]