The Iconoclast

Female suicide bombers kill at least 18 in coordinated attack in Nigeria,

June 30, 2024
Esmerelda Weatherwax

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Female suicide bombers targeted a wedding, a funeral and a hospital in coordinated attacks in northern Nigeria that killed at least 18 people, local authorities said […]

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Glastonbury – shame on you.

June 30, 2024
Esmerelda Weatherwax

As festivals go I have never had the desire (or not since the early 70s when it was Glastonbury Fair and the acts included david Bowie and Fairport Convention) to […]

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Erdogan the Magnificent: neo-Ottomanism begins to take shape

June 30, 2024
Nikos Akritas

By Nikos Akritas Is President Erdogan of Turkey laying the groundwork for an invasion of Syria? Putin has recently heralded Erdogan as a key player in peace efforts regarding the […]

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OUCH! Nighty, nighty, sleep tighty

June 30, 2024
Reg Green

by Reg Green “In a country of three hundred million are these two the best we can find?” I complained agitatedly after the debate. “Calm down. I’m sleeping like a […]

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Universal Unity

June 30, 2024
Rebecca Bynum

This is the final paper of Part II and can be a little heavy-going in places. Be sure to read section 10 if nothing else. Next week we will begin […]

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Trump Is Endorsed for President by Three Leading Columnists Who Say the Campaign Has Reached ‘the Moment for Choosing’

June 30, 2024
Conrad Black

Conrad Black, Victor Davis Hanson, and William Bennett, in a detailed statement, declare Trump the better candidate in ‘every important policy area.’ From the New York Sun. An endorsement of […]

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Britain’s Conservatives Deserve to Lose

June 30, 2024
Conrad Black

by Conrad Black The election in the United Kingdom next week will mark another stumbled step in the descent of Britain into unprecedented political absurdity. It will bring in the […]

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Pleas for Democracy from the Mouths of Hypocrisy

June 29, 2024
Lev Tsitrin

by Lev Tsitrin I don’t know if this ever happened before, a New York Times editorial being treated by news organizations as the chief sensation of the day. Yet here […]

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Four Brief Reviews of Japanese Fiction

June 29, 2024
Armando Simón

by Armando Simón Katsuno’s Revenge and Other Tales of the Samurai by by Asataro Miyamori This is a collection of fascinating Japanese stories compiled around 1920. They were originally told […]

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Iran’s Mullahs and Shi’a Islamism

June 29, 2024
Amil Imani

by Amil Imani The world is presently at its most wicked. It is beyond human help. It requires only a nudge to implode and prepare for the divine ruler, the […]

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The Mind of Macron

June 29, 2024
Theodore Dalrymple

by Theodore Dalrymple The inclination to analyze politicians’ conduct by means of psychiatric diagnosis is growing. This is unsurprising in view of what was once called psychiatric imperialism: the classification […]

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A Short Anatomy of a Biden Disaster

June 28, 2024
Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson There really was not a debate last night, merely a one-sided slugfest. The arguments over the issues, such as they were, were over in 30 minutes. […]

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All over but the cryin’

June 28, 2024
Rebecca Bynum

What do you all think? The Democrats, finally facing reality, in full panic mode, are talking about replacing their nominee. Good luck with that.

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Michael Shindler’s new book is out now!

June 27, 2024
Michael Shindler

  New English Review has been publishing Michael’s beautiful poems monthly for the past couple of years. His new book, Fret Not, just came out and is available here. If […]

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Hiding Behind Keffiyehs

June 27, 2024
Gary Fouse

By Gary Fouse I have long found it amazing how these pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas protesters here in the US feel so strongly about their cause that most of them hide […]

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Walking the Dog

June 27, 2024
Carl Nelson

By Carl Nelson I was walking my dachshund, Tater Tot, the other afternoon when I encountered Brian, a neighbor who also goes out for a daily ‘walk’ in his battery […]

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