The Iconoclast

Austria stabbing latest: Boy, 14, dies after knife attack in Villach leaves four wounded. Ahmad G said to have shouted Allahu Akbar
The English language press is repeating the usual bland statements about not knowing the motives, while the biggest newspaper in Austria, Österreich, is quite blunt about an obvious terror motive. […]

Two people have been charged after a video emerged of a man burning a Koran and another man attacking him outside the Turkish consulate in London.
From LBC and The Telegraph Two people have been charged after a video emerged of a man burning a Koran and another man attacking him outside the Turkish consulate in […]

Put Canada on a (trade) war footing
By Conrad Black The controversy over American tariffs has quickly escalated from a corrective action supposedly prompted by complaints about the porosity of both the southern and northern borders of […]

Child labelled ‘prostitute’ in council file – trial
The Manchester Evening News and BBC Manchester A girl allegedly abused by a group of men was labelled a prostitute from the age of 10 by social services, a court […]

Democrats Are Self-Immolating and That’s Good
By Roger L Simon In his 1796 farewell address George Washington advised against political parties. They could divide us, the first president said, and undermine democracy. As the Zen Buddhists […]

Ukraine, It’s Time to Make a Deal
By Victor Davis Hanson I’d like to talk about Ukraine. It’s been in the news lately. There’s the scent of a deal. And Donald Trump has become the archetypical dealmaker. […]

A Shameful Ad Signed by Jews in the New York Times
By Phyllis Chesler It’s all happening just as I knew it would–but all the shiny, happy, people did not want to see it. They still don’t. As someone said about […]

Police issue second mugshot of convicted female British ISIS terrorist after she complained that first picture showed her without a head covering
I had the report of this evil bitch woman’s conviction set aside first thing this morning but decided to wait until she was actually sentenced. Then I saw this. From […]

Knifeman attacks man ‘burning Koran’ on London street
We’ll start with something from the MSM. This from the Daily Mail is probably the best of a less than satisfactory bunch of initial reports. One had the man with […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Psyops and USAID
Mike Benz explains it all here.

The Left Can’t Stop Creating Drama
By Victor Davis Hanson A long time ago, the French foreign secretary, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, once remarked of the restoration of the French kings after the French Revolution. “Unfortunately,” […]

A Pain in the Neck
By Theodore Dalrymple All things considered—my age, for example, and my unhealthy lifestyle—I have little, physically, to complain of. My only real problem is osteoarthritis of my hands, now somewhat […]

They haven’t learned a thing
By William Corden It’s becoming more obvious each day that the left wing media has learned nothing from the drubbing that their party got this past November. The New York […]

‘Girl B’ tells Rochdale trial she has been abused by ‘close to a hundred’ people ‘over the years’
This trial at Crown Court Manchester Minshull Street continues. From the Manchester Evening News A woman who alleges she was raped and sexually abused by three Rochdale men when she […]

And now for something completely different.
A report on my Law of Distilled Spirits field trip last week. By Glenn Harlan Reynolds As I’ve occasionally mentioned, I teach a course called Law of Distilled Spirits. When […]