The Iconoclast
Turkish Azeri Iranian Billionaire Gold Trader Fights Iran Sanctions Violations Charges in US Court Hearing
Reza Zarrab, Turkish Azeri Iranian Gold Trader at arrest in Istanbul December 2013 Source: AFP/Getty Images Yesterday, lawyers for 34 year old Reza Zarrab, a Turkish Azeri Iranian […]
Corbyn’s Labour Party; Freedom of Opinion not welcome here
by Theodore Dalrymple There was a time when taking the pledge meant abjuring strong drink, but members of the Labour Party will soon have to take a different pledge: to […]
Europe tells British press NOT to reveal if terrorists are Muslims
From the
Debating down into the VP mosh pit
by Kenneth R. Timmerman Hillary Clinton’s strategy is clear. She believes she wins if she can convince just enough African-American, Hispanic, and White female voters that Donald Trump is a […]
A Few Questions For Simon Collis
by Hugh Fitzgerald The Saudis, and many other Muslims, are ecstatic. Simon Collis, the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has just revealed to the world that he has converted to […]
Trump Still Has a Great Opportunity
by Conrad Black It is already a platitude that Donald Trump had a bad week. The stridently partisan national (and international) media have translated Mrs. Clinton’s unimpressive and fairly narrow […]
Those Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes “Soaring to Their Highest Levels” Since 2001
by Hugh Fitzgerald The Sunday New York Times for September 18 carried a story by Eric Lichtblau about a “study” by “researchers” at the Center for the Study of Hate […]
Hillary Killed Libya Peace Deal Over Personal Vendetta, Claims Whistleblower
Paul Joseph Watson writes at original article.
Sydney, Australia: A Call To Rally For Asia Bibi, Victim of Muslim Pakistan’s Sharia-Based "Blasphemy" Law
At 11 am on Saturday 8th October 2016 there will be a rally in Sydney, Australia, on behalf of Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi who has been falsely accused, mistreated, arrested, […]
Teaching About Islam In Tennessee
by Hugh Fitzgerald For nearly a year some Tennessee parents have been up arms about the teaching of Islam to seventh graders in their public schools. They are disturbed that […]
We Have Two Winners!
David and Keith Simmonds have both won our crossword competition for September and will each receive a copy of
Middle Eastern leaders got face-time with Trump
Niraj Warikoo writes in the
Fresno veteran says terrorist crashed into him at 100 mph
Gilles Kepel: Keep Those Muslims Satisfied, Keep Europe For Them A Big Rock Candy Mountain
by Hugh Fitzgerald “Islamic Scholar: Europe May Be Heading Toward Civil War,” by Chris Tomlinson,
Conservatives For Trump: A Symposium Featuring Scholars & Writers For Trump
When 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence they declared their “reliance upon divine Providence” and pledged to each their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Today, Scholars & Writers for […]
Mandelstam by the Fence by György Faludy
Translated from the Hungarian & Edited by Thomas Ország-Land (October 2016) György Faludy (1910-2006), a Jewish-Hungarian humanist, was a towering figure of 20th century European literature and a dominant voice […]