The Iconoclast
Man who murdered Glasgow shopkeeper for ‘disrespecting Islam’ calls for beheadings in prison YouTube video
I don’t usually post from the Facebook page praising the murder of Mr Shah and leaflets calling for Ahmadis to convert or be killed distributed in London. Ahmed was unrepentant in […]
Australia: Poll Shows 49 Percent of Aussies Want To End Muslim Immigration; Islamophiles Have Conniptions
The people who did the poll were so nonplussed by what they discovered that they ran it a second time because they thought they must have done something wrong; but […]
Egyptian Leaders Praise Donald Trump, Blast Hillary Clinton
Jen Lawrence and Dustin Stockton write in in an interview with CNN, said that he has “no doubt” that Donald Trump would make a strong leader. El-Sisi
Ireland Will Not Bite The Apple
by Michael Curtis Rarely in history has an offer of 13 billion euros been refused by a state or organization. One would think this was an offer that couldn’t be […]
Muslim pupils must shake hands – ‘no ifs and buts’
From the Swiss edition of ruled that the boys must shake their teachers’ hands or face disciplinary measures, as well as a fine (issued to their parents) of up to […]
New Jersey Bomber’s Notebook: ‘Attack the Kuffar in Their Backyard’
Frances Martel writes in
Don’t Say You Haven’t Been Warned about Terror
by Michael Curtis Few are likely to mistake New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for the fount of political wisdom. Even those few must have been astonished by his […]
Donald J. Trump’s Meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
Celebrity Has Its Uses: Kim Kardashian Takes Out New York Times Ad, Calls For Recognition of Armenian Genocide as Genocide
As reported by Australia’s ABC just yesterday. Presumably in order to avoid getting threatening letters from the Turkish subset of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage, the ABC put scare quotes round “Armenian […]
Teenager, 19, accused of plotting nail bomb terror attacks at London landmarks including Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street appears before an Old Bailey judge
From the Sun A teenager accused of planning nail bomb attacks on famous landmarks including Buckingham Palace appeared at the Old Bailey today. Haroon Syed, 19, allegedly researched potential targets […]
The Rahami Family and their Chicken Shop
The Daily Mail has the story about how this poor immigrant family was persecuted. Ahmad Rahami filed federal lawsuit claiming cops in Elizabeth, New Jersey subjected his and his family […]
Ahmad Khan Rahami Is Arrested in Manhattan and New Jersey Bombings After Shootout with Police
Ahmad Khan Rahami in Shootout with Police in NJ, Detained and in Hospital
Ahmad Khan Rahami New Jersey/New York Terror Bombing Suspect Ahmed Rahami gunned down in Linden, New Jersey resisting arrest shooting an office. He was taken into custody and being treated […]
Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bombing
The invesitgation is in full swing this morning. The bombings in New York and New Jersey and the unexploded bombs near the Elizabeth train station are all related. The suspect being […]
Phares: Tump will Meet Al Sisi Today in New York
Word is that Trump and Sisi will have a closed door meeting, hopefully followed by a press conference. Here is the earlier report of Dr. Walid Phares’ visit to Egypt. […]
Multiple IEDs found in package at New Jersey train station
injured 29 people and the explosion from a garbage can near a charity run in New Jersey. In the other New Jersey incident, investigators discovered three pipe-bomb-type devices wired together, […]