The Iconoclast
The Same May Happen
by Theodore Dalrymple It is difficult to say what politicians in modern democracies stand for—other than themselves, that is. At best they seem to be the representatives, or perhaps the […]
Two Real Deplorables
by Michael Curtis American citizens must have been startled and shocked when a prominent politician, who should know better words, informed them with passionate intensity of the existence of “deplorables” […]
Honouring Sivei Ah Chong Who Used a Broomstick To Whack the Allahu-Akbaring Mohammedan in Minto, Sydney
In the past twelve months in Israel, after the Stabbing Jihad was unloosed there with much allahu-akbaring and frenzied sermons in the mosques, there have been heroes such as Selfie-Stick Man, […]
Trump is Winning
He is the clear choice for conservatives. by Conrad Black As I suggested when I gave readers a rest from me five weeks ago, the Republican convention successfully celebrated the […]
A Tunisian Moderate Remains, Alas, A Defender of the Faith
by Hugh Fitzgerald “Nobel laureate: Don’t ‘muddle up’ terrorism with Islam,” by Edith M. Lederer, Jihad Watch.
Parents outraged as east London school gives three days notice for Muslim holiday closure
From the
November 8th Predictions
by Conrad Black Before outlining my predictions for November 8th, let me first offer this disclaimer: I am no statistician, do not consult computer algorithms, and have no experience as […]
Congress Demands Answers after Surprise Clinton Investigation Immunity
I don’t see how FBI Director Comey survives this. He’s taking all the heat, but Attorney General Lynch should be forced out too. Byron York writes in the New York Times […]
This is America’s Last Chance
by Conrad Black In news terms, it has been a quieter summer than usual, and not remotely reminiscent of invincible summers that presaged a global descent into terrible times, such […]
9-11 Fifteen Years Later: Are We Safer?
by Deborah Weiss (September 2016) I am a 9/11 survivor. I lived in the closest residence (Gateway Plaza), deemed a crime scene after the attack. My office high-rise was the closest building […]
15 Years after 9-11: Has the Islamic Terror Threat Worsened?
by Jerry Gordon (September 2016) On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists, 19 well educated young men – Saudi, Egyptian, and Yemeni nationals – hijacked four airliners (American Airlines Flight 11 […]
Another Allahu-Akbar Stabbing in Australia: Muslim Attacks Non-Muslim Aussie in Minto, Sydney
I will begin by reproducing this story in the form in which it initially appeared early this morning at the ABC, as an indication of the sort of beating-around-the-bush that typifies […]
The Necessary Fight Against Terrorism
by Michael Curtis The opening in London of a new British film Anthropoid dealing with the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on May 27, 1942 is a reminder of one of […]
Les Deplorables
(hat tip:
The Double standards and Hypocrisy of Obama
Do you think Hillary will be any different?