The Iconoclast
When In Rome Do As The Romans Do
by Michael Curtis In his war-time directive when Britain was facing the threat of invasion by Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill told his country, “we shall fight on the beaches…we shall […]
The African Slave Trade: The Islamic Connection
by Emmet Scott (September 2016) In
Why Trump Can Still Win
For all his flaws, he’s the only hope against the long, failed Bush-Clinton incumbency. by Conrad Black (September 2016) The dust has settled since the conventions and Mrs. Clinton appears […]
The Calico Cat
by David P. Gontar (September 2016) the calico cat […]
by Sanjeev Sethi (September 2016) (1) Conference of crows: life burns buried in their beaks? more>>>
I Made a Feeble Show by Miklós Radnóti
translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land (September 2016) Miklós Radnóti (1909-1944), probably the greatest among the world’s Holocaust poets. He was virtually unknown when he was murdered […]
by Dilip Mohapatra (September 2016) When I was in class four I got my first ever summon from poetry more>>>
What Is This Feeling?
by Bibhu Padhi (September 2016) What is this feeling taking charge of me, in the middle of the day more>>>
Three Songs From a Play
by Evelyn Hooven (September 2016) (The play, Seafarer, was suggested by the Anglo-Saxon poems “The Seafarer” and “The Wanderer.” This work is not a translation; it is, rather, an attempt […]
Oh, Those Madcap Millennials!
A Cautionary Tale About Tale-Telling by James Como (September 2016) Since Patrick’s current girlfriend was merely a surrogate for the last, he numbered them. Both were writers: One a poet, Two […]
The Suprasternal Notch
by James LePore (September 2016) Woman on Train, © James LePore The suprasternal notch (fossa jugularis sternalis), also known as the jugular notch, is a large, visible dip found at […]
Julian Langness’ Fraternity of Combat
by Dexter Van Zile (September 2016) Julian Langness likes the outdoors, J.R.R. Tolkien and is proud of his Norwegian roots. He worries about the future of Western civilization, Europe especially, […]
Capitalism’s Forgotten Soldiers
by Saurabh Jha (September 2016)
Lin-Manuel, Meet William Carlos
by J.A. Marzán (September 2016) William Carlos Williams This year, in which Lin-Manuel Miranda won the Pulitzer Prize and his musical Hamilton 11 Tonys, is also the eve of the […]
Goodbye To Barcelona
by Samuel Hux (September 2016) I never actually met Robert Graves. He lived in Deyá and I in Puerto de Andraitx, but I was too shy to just look him up. […]
The Construction of Chastity in Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyre
by David P. Gontar (September 2016) ABSTRACT In her reading of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Marjorie Garber traces an entertaining trajectory from incest to romance, maturity, and sexual alterity in […]