The Iconoclast
A Mirabilary Of The Passing Parade: Homo Gnosticus (Part II)
Us vs Them by Cynicus Americanus (September 2016) A Mirabilary Signs And Wonders of The Devolution Of Man And The Decline Of Western Civilization In The Time Of Obama In […]
EU Moves Toward Authoritarianism
by Lorna Salzman (September 2016) On May 31st of this year the EU Commission issued a press release, the first part of which follows and which contains a major contradiction […]
Jihad Attack on a Little French Church
by Nidra Poller (September 2016) The following is a blow by blow account of the murder of Father Jacques Hamel as I reported from France at the time: more>>>
Britain and Islamic Extremists
by Michael Curtis (September 2016) The official attitude, political and legal, of Britain to Islamic terrorists, jihadists and their supporters has and continues to be ambivalent. It used to be […]
Obama, Hillary and The New York Times Versus Donald Trump
Who Are the Dictators Around Here? by Steve Hecht (September 2016) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Guatemala’s Attorney General, Claudia Paz y Paz, during an official visit to Guatemala, […]
Pussy Politics
by G. Murphy Donovan (September 2016) “I don’t like losers.” – Donald Trump All we know about Donald Trump’s policy is what he says, not what he has done or […]
Donald Trump’s Vision for US Foreign Policy: What does ‘America First’ mean?
by Jesse Sandoval (September 2016) Rather than characterized as a poorly conceived recalibration of American foreign policy bordering on strategic recklessness, Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy statements represent a very […]
Balkan Jihad
Political Amnesia and Foreign Policy Autism by G. Murphy Donovan (September 2016) “History teaches us that we learn nothing from history.” – Hegel Foreign policy is often a little like […]
Why are Turkey and Israel Reconciling?
by Jerry Gordon (September 2016) Israeli and Turkish Flags, Tel Aviv, June 26, 2016 Turkey’s reopening of diplomatic relations with Israel after a break off of six years culminated in […]
What is Behind Erdogan’s Purge?
by Jerry Gordon (September 2016) Erdogan at Coup Victims Funeral, July 2016 When we wrote about the mid-July 2016 failed Turkish coup, it was apparent that autocratic President Erdogan wanted […]
Who is Erdogan Fighting in Syria?
by Jerry Gordon (September 2016) Turkish Tanks and US-backed Syrian rebels crossing into Syria, August 24, 2016, AFP/Getty Images At 4 AM local time on Wednesday August 24, 2016, a […]
by Alexander Murinson and Jonathan Snyder (September 2016) To Our European Friends, At no time has Trump implied—as Hillary Clinton has suggested—that he would end NATO, encourage Japan or South Korea […]
75th Anniversary of the Atlantic Conference
St. John’s, Newfoundland by Conrad Black (September 2016) I assume I was invited here as a biographer of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and would like to speak of how the relations […]
Nota Bene, Part I
by Theodore Dalrymple (September 2016) When I was young, which is now a long time ago, I was much impressed by the character of Trigorin, the writer in Chekhov’s play, […]
Rowan Dean, Aussie Satirist, Envisages – All Too Accurately, One Fears – the Principles Now Guiding Our Spies and First Responders
It is something of a minor miracle that these exercises in the blackest of black humour, dripping with sarcasm, should have seen print in any part of the usually-reliably-Islamophile Fairfax […]
Australia: Briton Tom Jackson, Attacked by Muslim at Home Hill, Dies in Hospital
This means that the allahu-akbaring attacker, French-passport-holding Muslim Smail Ayad, succeeded in murdering two people. “Home Hill Stabbing: British Man Tom Jackson, Injured in Backpackers Hostel, Dies in Hospital”. Sic. […]