The Iconoclast
Isaac: Viorst’s “Zionism” is a “Sloppy Hit on Israel”
Israeli PM Netanyahu in Likud meeting at Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, March 16, 2016 There has not been a serious critical review of Milton Viorst’s, Zionism: The Birth and Transformation […]
Easy Meat in America: Muslim Immigrant Gets 4 Life Terms
From Creeping Sharia : SIOUX FALLS, SD – The Sioux Falls man authorities say ran a sex trafficking “house of horror” will now call prison home for the rest of […]
ISIS Reaches Moscow in Axe Attack on Police
From the
German May Impose Partial Ban on Face Veils
The West vs Islam Is The New Cold War — Here’s How We Win
Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos have an interesting article in
Americans of Middle Eastern Descent Weigh in on Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech of 8/15
From the Egyptian Americans and
Hasidic Rabbi Stabbed by Attacker Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ in France
From the
Just Who is in the “Perpetual Crosshairs of Bigotry”?
by Hugh Fitzgerald After the killing of an imam and his assistant in Queens last week, the media were full of stories about Muslims, in Queens, in New York City, […]
U.S. Concedes $400 Million Payment to Iran Was Delayed as Prisoner ‘Leverage’
Investigators probe Ramadan fast link in Paddington train derailment
RAMADAN may have contributed to a train derailment at Paddington Station, investigators fear. From the
Pro Iran “Gulf News” hit piece on Walid Phares written by a Hezbollah operative?
John Hajjar writes at
Rising to the Height in Presidential Voting
by Michael Curtis Predictions are always perilous, especially about the future. Pollsters, either professional organizers or on behalf of their candidates, are understandingly often imperfect in explaining how and why […]
Upgraded Turkish Prison Quality Praised by New Inmates
by Lorna Salzman After a study and survey of the make-up of Turkish prisoners, it was determined that only 0.1% of them had a high school education, and of these, […]
Anjem Choudary’s wife now faces police investigation
Channel 4’s Dispatches programme. The young woman who went undercover is one of the bravest reporters of any documentary I have personally watched – she was very impressive. Not physically a big […]
First Muslim women fined for wearing a BURKINI – in French glamour town Cannes
From the
Away with Conspiracy
by Michael Curtis Conspiracy theories never end. People love them and have a compulsion to believe falsities whether for personal or ideological reasons. We are told that Elvis Presley, who […]