The Iconoclast
Facebook Attacks Again And Bans Me
by Brian of London Facebook is not a place for telling the truth. Facebook is too easily gamed by haters of truth, freedom and anyone who is honest about Islam. […]
Senator Sessions Slams Hillary Clinton’s Refugee Plan
“Hillary Clinton’s plan to admit 65,000 refugees from Syria next year is radical and places America at great risk. Her goal is disconnected from reality. This surge would be nearly […]
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary finally behind bars
From Court News UK. The restrictions on reporting meant that while I was right about it being a Central Criminal Court trial (even the venue was under embargo and it is […]
Howard “Dizzy” Dean and “The Farthest Thing From an Islamic Republic”
Howard Dean, he of the shriek heard round the world, claims to know that present-day Iran has nothing to do with Islam. Of course, he could only conclude that if […]
France Addresses Muslim Women
by Michael Curtis On August 12, 2016, Syrian Democratic Forces, Arab and Kurdish fighters liberated the Syrian city of Manbij, near the Turkish border. This stronghold that ISIS had held […]
The harvest has begun in Southern England. We spotted many combine harvesters busy at work late into the evening even on Sunday during a recent journey into Huntingdonshire (which is […]
Tensions remain high in Corsica after burkini beach riot
Understanding The Threat: Radical Islam And The Age Of Terror
This is
Memo: Soros Group Funded ‘Opposition Research’ On Critics Of Radical Islam
Chuck Ross writes in the
The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections
My full apologies to the WSJ for pulling this entire piece, but I don’t get through your firewall that often and this pice is too important not to recieve the […]
The Rio Olympics: One Example Of How The Media Attempts To Distort Your World View
Consider this: “…the most decorated woman gymnast in Rio is an adopted, home-educated, Roman Catholic who prays the rosary and relies on God and His blessed Mother to […]
East of the Sun for the United Nations
by Michael Curtis Why is the headquarters of the United Nations still in New York? If it is removed, we’ll have Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island too. Once removed […]
Woman and suspect die after Swiss train attack, two girls in serious condition
Authorities still haven’t released the suspect’s name, but he died in the attack – good.
Instant Jihadism; The MacMartyrs
by Theodore Dalrymple An article in Le Monde draws attention to the intellectual nullity of the ideas behind the terrorist attacks in France. It is now as if a whole […]
Imam and Assistant Shot and Killed in Queens
You guessed it.