The Iconoclast
Flaws in the ‘Lone Wolf’ Analysis
by A.J. Caschetta (August 2016) Introduction Beginning in the late twentieth century, the West became enthralled by the term “lone wolf” and began using it to denote perpetrators of particularly […]
The Berbers and Islam as a Vehicle for Arab Supremacism
by Hugh Fitzgerald (August 2016) In Algeria, before the Arab invasion and conquest in the seventh century, the population was almost entirely Berber, and along with those who followed traditional […]
What Ever Happened To Sin?
by Samuel Hux (August 2016) Well, nothing actually. It’s still with us of course, since we are what we are. My question does not reveal a naïve assumption that there has been […]
A Mirabilary Of The Passing Parade: Homo Gnosticus
by Cynicus Americanus (August 2016) A Mirabilary Signs And Wonders of The Devolution Of Man And The Decline Of Western Civilization In The Time Of Obama In The Age Of […]
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Catholic West
by Emmet Scott (August 2016) Recent events have forcefully highlighted, to all but the most wilfully ignorant, that Western Civilization is – especially in Europe – in the midst of […]
Brexit: Birth of a Nation
by G. Murphy Donovan (August 2016) “What men value in this world are not rights but privileges.” – H.L. Mencken Churchill was correct. Democracy is a flawed vessel, especially when […]
Trump Seizes the Day
He has the upper hand in this contest. by Conrad Black (August 2016) The last of the endless refuges of the Never Trump brigades were vacated as the once unthinkable […]
Houellebecq and Call
by Theodore Dalrymple (August 2016) Bernard Maris was a well-known French economist of independent turn of mind who, before his death, wrote in (among other places) Charlie Hebdo. He was […]
French priest killing: Youth charged with conspiracy over jihadist slaying of elderly priest
Clinton Cash – The Documentary
Merkel Will Never Admit She’s Wrong on Refugees, Wants to Take in More
Where is the state help for ordinary Germans? Oh they’re being thrown to the wolves.
French Publisher Nixes Book Critical of Islam
They are afraid of reprisals and afraid of helping Marine Le Pen too.
Iraq’s prime minister establishes Popular Mobilization Front as a permanent ‘independent military formation’
Bill Roggio and Amir Toumaj write of this worrisome development in the
Foreign Policy Hawks Flock to Clinton
If you want to see the US get deeply embroiled in Syria while simultaneously fighting Russia, vote Clinton. Rania Khalek writes in
Jihadists threaten ‘London is next’ after spate of European terror attacks
From the
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men
by Theodore Dalrymple Pride is perhaps the worst of sins, for it is often at the root of many others such as anger and avarice. One finds it in unexpected […]