The Iconoclast
Truck Jihad Strikes Nice
by Nidra Poller [This text, commissioned by the online revue Midah, was published in Hebrew translation on July 16, 2016] The 14 juillet National Holiday fireworks were over, the horror […]
Taharrush gamea introduced to Gothia Cup
reporter, Lara Logan, was attacked and endured an assault while reporting on the protests in Egypt. Police say attacks in Cologne marked Europe’s first instance of taharrush. The Gothia Cup […]
Melania Trump and the Issue of Plagiarism
by Michael Curtis Originality in any form does not come easily. Few politicians can claim the mantle of Demosthenes, the 4th century B.C. perfect orator of ancient Greece, or Cicero, his […]
Geert Wilders Comes to GOP Convention with Tennessee Delegation
I’m very proud of our Tennessee delegation! From
Svmer is icumen in Lhude sing cuccu Groweþ sed and bloweþ med and springþ þe wde nu Sing cuccu Summer has arrived is a good translation. One of the oldest […]
28 Pages Tie ‘Moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood To 9/11
Paul Sperry writes in 416 of the Joint Inquiry report, a page that until last week had been completely blacked out for 14 years. This page states that Saudi intelligence […]
Iran Deal’s Secret Giveaway Exposed
Mother and three daughters stabbed in French resort ‘for being scantily dressed’
Erdogan’s Faux Coup
by Jerry Gordon (July 2016) When first televised pictures burst out on July 15, 2015 on international media about an alleged coup by the Turkish Army they were peculiar. The soldiers stationed […]
Hand-painted ISIS flag found in room of Bavaria train attacker, ISIS claims responsibility
Germany axe attack: Assault on train in Wuerzburg
From the Mirror and the German edition of
The Sudan Government Covers up Recruitment of Foreign Jihadists
Sudan Interior minister Ismat Abdel-Rahman (SUNA Photo) By Lt. Gen. Abakar Mahatma Abdalah[i] On July 14, 2016, The Sudan Tribune put out a cover story by the Interior Minister, saying […]
French Islamologues Play at Tweedledum and Tweedledee
by High Fitzgerald On July 12, the Jihad Watch.
Sonia Kruger, on Aussie TV, Demands a Halt to Muslim Immigration, In the Interests of Safety First For Aussie Infidels
As reported by (also in the Herald-Sun) and by the reliably-Islamophile Sydney Morning Herald. First, Gavin Fernando for (and in the Herald-Sun) ‘Television Personality Sonia Kruger Calls for Australia […]
After Nice Jihad Attack Two Aussie Journalists State the Flaming Obvious in Public: Got Muslims? Got Jihad
And of course, predictably, all the bien-pensants are having conniptions. Nevertheless: what has been said, and therefore thought, cannot be unsaid nor unthought, by all those many, many minds that […]
More suspects arrested in connection with Nice attack
From the French edition of