The Iconoclast

ISIS in the POLICE: French security agency INFECTED with jihadis amid fresh attack fears

March 20, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

This story has reached the English press now. This is the Le Parisien. POLICE forces in France are riddled with radicalised officers, including some who have broadcast Muslim chants while […]

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Canada admirably respects other cultures, but we are achingly slow to defend our own

March 20, 2016
Conrad Black

An avalanche of messages came in after last week’s column denouncing the removal from the campus of Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo of the statue of John A. Macdonald and […]

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Sunday: 3-20-16: Lisa Benson Show. Global Jihad Agenda with Paul Weston of Liberty GB and Violence in Israel with Michael Weiser, 4PM EDT and 10PM in Israel

March 19, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Abdeslam abandoned plans to be Paris suicide bomber, prosecutor says

March 19, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Naional Review: White American Workers are Scum and Their Towns Deserve to Die

March 19, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Kevin Williamson wrote the following in here.

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We can’t stop the migrants: EU says Britain has ‘MORAL DUTY’ to Turkey to accept refugees

March 19, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

From the

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Every Republican Presidential Candidate Is Hitler

March 19, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Daniel Greenfield writes in

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The Glazov Gang-Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal

March 19, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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How Do You Lose 130,000 People?

March 19, 2016
John Constantine

Actually, the German Government finds it remarkably simple. In 2015 the German state allowed 1,100,000 Islamic migrants to enter the country. Now a mere

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Putin: Historical Commentator

March 19, 2016
Michael Curtis

This has been a winter of discontent with both the past and the present, and the two have merged. An improbable person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, has offered a stimulating […]

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Geert Wilders’ Statement before the Hague District Court March 18, 2016: Acquit me

March 18, 2016
Jerry Gordon

Geert Wilders of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) and Counsel Geert-Jan in Court Source; The following is a translation of Geert Wilders’ remarks before a three judge panel in […]

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Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam ‘supporters’

March 18, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Arizona legislature passes groundbreaking anti-BDS legislation

March 18, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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European Union Reaches Deal With Turkey to Return Asylum Seekers

March 18, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Looks to be a quick and temporary solution.

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Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam captured

March 18, 2016
Rebecca Bynum


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Flemming Rose: The Reluctant Fundamentalist

March 18, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Simon Cottee writes in the

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