The Iconoclast

Turkey Attacks Kurds in Iraq After Deadly Bombing in Ankara

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Let’s hope our next President will negotiate an independent Kurdistan on the condition they give refuge to Christians, Yazidis and other minorities.

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Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart after Fudging Story about Trump Campaign Manager

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Gateway Pundit has story of the resignations . They both feel Breitbart didn’t support them enough – despite the fact the story wasn’t actually true.

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London Stone will finally gets it due again

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

From the

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Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Quiet Support for Saudis Entangles U.S. in Yemen

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

An interesting report from the

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Ivory Coast Beach Jihad: ‘One child said a Muslim prayer and was spared, the other was killed’

March 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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CLAIM: Labour Party Muslims ‘Cover’ For Sex Grooming Gangs, Use Death Threats And ‘Clan’ Politics

March 14, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From wrote to the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, protesting the “open secret” of large numbers of male Muslim Labour councillors blocking Muslim women from entering politics. Since then the Party has […]

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Not Looking Good For Merkel

March 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Preliminary results from the

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The Impoverishment of Palestinians under the Futile Two-State ‘Solution”

March 13, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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New York Times: ”Into the Soul of the Venetian Ghetto” -500th Commemoration

March 13, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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As More Gitmo Prisoners Go Free Intel Report Affirms Return to Terrorism

March 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

report discloses that dozens have reengaged in terrorism after leaving the compound at the Naval base in southeast Cuba. Of the 144 Gitmo prisoners freed by the Obama administration seven […]

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Not bloody likely

March 13, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

am I to vote to stay in the EU,

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Barack Obama to urge Britons to back remain vote on UK visit

March 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

I’m sure all you Britons will all

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Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil

March 13, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Andrew Gilligan in the SuMr Kozbar called for the destruction of Israel, saying: “This time it will be the end of Israel, inshallah [God willing.]” He has praised as “always […]

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Who funded Taylor Force’s Palestinian Killer?

March 12, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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More on the late Taylor Force, USMA ‘09

March 12, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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