The Iconoclast
Taliban Are Not Terrorists, or So Says the White House
The Obama administration’s last months at the White House are ones of extreme denial. Including, “the Taliban are not terrorists”. The Taliban just blew up 26 Afghan citizens in Kabul… […]
The United States and Israel
Yes, once again Vice-President Joe Biden, as the Sondheim song, Send in the Clowns, might say, made his entrance with his usual flair. This time on April 18, 2016 Biden, […]
Teachers ‘should tell pupils to stop fasting during Ramadan’
Some sense from a teaching union. From the Independent Teachers should tell Muslim schoolchildren to break Ramadan fast if they fear health issues will hurt exam results, new guidance has suggested. The intervention […]
The Telegraph launches border security campaign
an open letter from the country’s most senior security experts calling for a review of border security. SIR – The recent terrorist attacks in Belgium and France are a wake-up […]
Palestinian Factions React To Jerusalem Bus Bombing: Fatah Speakers Justify It, Hamas And Other Factions Praise It
‘ISIS collaborator’ arrested in Majorca after posing DIRECT THREAT to tourists
From The Local Italy has dismissed a report in a German newspaper warning that terrorists were planning attacks on beaches in Italy, Spain and France. In a sensational report on […]
Nato raises ‘justified concern’ that Isil is plotting nuclear attack on Britain
UNESCO Stoops to New Low – Renames Western Wall "Al-Buraq Plaza"
resolution erasing Israel’s ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. The UNESCO resolution referred to the Jewish claim to the site. The resolution called Israel “the occupying power” and the Western […]
The Lobby War on Walid Phares Shows Influence of Iran, Muslim Brotherhood in U.S. Politics
Tera Dahl writes at announced his national security advisory team, naming scholar and terrorism expert Dr. Walid Phares as one of his top advisors for national security and foreign policy. […]
Brexit: Less There Than Meets the Eye
In modern democracies, public discussion of the most momentous matters is bound to be reduced to what the political and media elites believe is the lowest common denominator. Everyone knows […]
Miroslav Volf of Yale, or Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani
Miroslav Volf has for two decades been a leader in the interfaith healing industry; he founded and directs the Yale Center For Faith and Culture. His specialty is proclaiming that […]
PODCAST: “Russia Provokes while Israel Defies” – Discussions with Amb. R. James Woolsey and Dr. Seth Frantzman
PEGIDA Founder Charged with Hate Speech
Muslim jail chaplains ‘distributing Islamist literature’, leaked report reveals
From Daily Star Extremist literature has been routinely distributed in prisons by Muslim chaplains, a leaked report has revealed. The review, commissioned by Justice Secretary Michael Gove, found Islamist pamphlets […]
Someone Has To Stand Up To Intolerance
A few years ago I thought I could write less about Islam. I’d studied it almost non stop since shortly after 9-11 but felt it wasn’t something positive. So I […]
Ayatollahs Aquire EU Inc?