The Iconoclast

Belgium: Yet More Jihad-Related Arrests

February 16, 2016
Christina McIntosh

As reported just now by Aussie ABC, drawing on reports from Reuters and AFP. ‘Belgium Terrorism Raids: Ten Suspects Detained Over Islamic State Recruitment Ring”. ‘Belgian police have raided […]

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Sydney, Australia: Muslim "Student" and Muslim "Refugee" Charged With Plotting JIhad Terror

February 16, 2016
Christina McIntosh

And we are confronted with yet another illustration of the folly of permitting Muslims, under any circumstances whatever, into an Infidel country.  Australia manifestly did not need either Mr Omar […]

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Trump Stays Strong, Bush Rises in South Carolina

February 16, 2016
Conrad Black

Saturday evening’s debate in Greenville, S.C., was not a great night for the Republicans. All of the five surviving candidates accomplished more or less what they set out to achieve. […]

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TSA Airport Credentialing Process Overlooks Terrorists, Criminals, and Illegal Aliens on a Large Scale

February 16, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Dan Cadman writes for the here and “Securing Our Skies: Oversight of Aviation Credentials”. Nothing in his testimony makes me believe that TSA has shown itself up to the task […]

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The United States and Russia must not Sleepwalk

February 16, 2016
Michael Curtis

At this moment of history when the United States and European democratic countries are confronted by pressing problems especially Islamist terrorism and a gigantic migration crisis, U.S. foreign policy should be […]

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Islam, Power and the USA

February 16, 2016
John Constantine

Mateen Elass

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Jeb: "My Brother Kept Us Safe" (after 9/11) Really?

February 16, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

If memory serves there were at least three terror attacks which were purposefully not classified as terror in order to keep up the illusion that we hadn’t had another terror attack […]

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Was Trump Right that the Iraq War Was “A Big Fat Mistake”?

February 16, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald

TRUMP: Obviously, the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake. All right? Now, you can take it any way you want, and it took — it took Jeb Bush, […]

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Kurds Cross Erdogan’s “red lines” in Syria with Russian air support

February 15, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Some Scalia Quotes

February 15, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

On Capitalism For in order for capitalism to work — in order for it to produce a good and a stable society — the traditional Christian virtues are essential. SOURCE: […]

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George Washington on Religion, Morality and the Well-Being of the Republic

February 15, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

“Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor […]

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The King Herod Solution

February 15, 2016
Theodore Dalrymple

Awful, terrible news! I noticed a small item in last week’s British Medical Journal that once again revealed the cruel and callous nature of patriarchy. Under the headline Fall in […]

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Tommy Robinson Attacked, Hospitalised One Week After Revealing Islamists Are Out To Kill Him

February 15, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

It’s been clear from the beginning the UK government had tried to stop Tommy’s efforts to resist Islamization in Britain. They seemingly wanted to decapitate and thus destroy the EDL […]

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Congress Unanimously passing Sanctions will not deter North Korea from building Nuclear ICBMs

February 14, 2016
Jerry Gordon

  What a week it has been. No, we are not talking about the New Hampshire primary results or Saturday’s South Carolina debate, but rogue North Korea stealing the oxygen […]

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Sunday, 2-14-16 – 3PM ET and 10PM in Israel – Listen to the Lisa Benson Radio Valentine’s Day Show with Muslim Women Reformers Reheel Raza and Asra Nomani on Deobandism, FGM and Denial of Women’s rights to intimacy and sexual pleasure

February 14, 2016
Jerry Gordon

  The Lisa Benson Show will air Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 3PM EST, 2PM CST, 1PM MST, Noon PST and 10PM in Israel.  Listen live to the Lisa Benson […]

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Trump, Bush, Rice and Tenet

February 14, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

I believe this is what Donald Trump was talking about when he said in the debate last night that Bush had advance warning of the attack on 9/11. This is […]

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