The Iconoclast

The Old Lion Beset by Subtle Intrigue

January 24, 2016
The Law

Read this article re the former Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party and former cabinet minister, Muslim Baroness Warsi and watch the brief video: Then read Churchill below and note: […]

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Jihadi Jack’ first white British boy to join Isis

January 24, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the Mail on Sunday The first white British youth to join ISIS in Syria was a ‘class clown’ turned to Islam by his Muslim school friends, MailOnline can reveal. […]

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Burning Effigies of John A. Macdonald Doesn’t Help Natives

January 24, 2016
Conrad Black

The anti-John A. Macdonald demonstration by a group of protesting native people in Kingston on Jan. 11, the 201st birthday of the country’s chief founder, was a shocking incident that has […]

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Are Ebola Researchers Making Progress in the Fight Against the Deadly Virus?

January 24, 2016
Theodore Dalrymple

In his essay, “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell recommended that, in prose, the active voice is always to be preferred to the passive. He put it more actively: […]

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Sunday 1-24-16: Listen to the Lisa Benson Show 3PM ET with Guests Nidra Poller on European Refugee Crisis and Ken Timmerman on US Billions to Iran

January 24, 2016
Jerry Gordon

The Lisa Benson Show will air Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 3PM EST, 2PM CST, 1PM MST, Noon PST and 10PM in Israel.  Listen live to the Lisa Benson Radio […]

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Homage to George Weidenfeld

January 23, 2016
Michael Curtis

The French have a delightful saying “Il s’impose” referring to an individual who is a force of nature, a colorful and charismatic figure who thrusts himself into the life of […]

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Wilders Rallies Protests in Holland against Muslim Migrant Influx:

January 23, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Spike in Campus Anti-Semitism in 2015: 302 Incidents at 109 US Colleges in 28 States

January 23, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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What Happened to Robert Levinson, C.I.A. Consultant Who Vanished in Iran?

January 23, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

He probably died in Iranian custody.

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James G. McDonald and FDR

January 23, 2016
The Law

The Law.

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"I’m waiting for someone to buy the zoo or for the animals to die"

January 23, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Callous Muslim attitudes toward animals produce conditions

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National Review Hoists White Flag, Defiantly Rows To Outcast Island

January 23, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Don Surber George Will was all gloom and doom on the Hugh Hewitt radio show this week: “If the election is Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump, this will be the […]

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Islam Is Not A Mystery

January 23, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald

Islam is not a hieratic mystery, which only the initiated, a special priesthood, can possibly understand. It is, rather, sufficiently grasped by more than a billion people who, save for […]

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Billionaires Against Trump at Davos

January 22, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Iran gets the Oscar for Chutzpah

January 22, 2016
Michael Curtis

In his amusing book The Joys of Yiddish, Leo Rosten defines the word “Chutzpah” as “gall, brazen nerve, effrontery.” The word is perfectly applicable to the Islamic state of Iran […]

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Florida Anti-BDS Bill against Companies that Boycott Israel Unanimously Passes Florida Senate

January 22, 2016
Jerry Gordon

  The Florida  State Senate in Tallahassee yesterday  unanimously passed on Third Reading  an anti-BDS bill SB 38 on “scrutinized companies” directed at companies boycotting Israeli companies.   See the Florida […]

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