The Iconoclast

British Schoolbus Full of Children Attacked by Migrants in Calais

January 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Radical Islam’s Fifth Column

January 13, 2016
Matthew Hausman

Two days after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, the FBI correctly identified the attack as terrorism, although it was reportedly pressured by the White House to refrain from […]

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All 10 U.S. Navy sailors held by Iran have been freed, state media says

January 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum


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Suicide Attack on Pakistan Polio Center Kills 15

January 13, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morrell versus President Obama on ISIS Threat

January 13, 2016
Jerry Gordon

  Michael Morell Former Deputy and Acting CIA Director On the morning of President Obama’s final State of the Union (SOTUS) Address,January 12, 2016, the House Armed Services Committee, chaired […]

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Seizes Two US Patrol Boats, Arrests 10 Sailors (9 Men and I Woman)

January 12, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Tehran, Tehran!

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

  Tehran, Tehran! It’s a hell of a town The Shia are up and the Sunni are down They got nukes in a hole in the ground — David […]

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Iran Holds Two U.S. Navy Boats, 10 Sailors

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Iran is using the word arrest and they are not releasing them immediately.

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Migrant Men Practiced ‘Taharrush’ On German Women in Cologne Sex Attacks

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Syrian bomber suspected as blast kills 10 in Istanbul tourist hub: Erdogan

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Francis, Far From Infallible

January 12, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald

At the beginning of every year, the Pope delivers an address in Rome to welcome the foreign diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican. Pope Francis, a nice guy, has just […]

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Women Must Be Emancipated

January 12, 2016
Michael Curtis

In the mid 19th century an early British feminist, Caroline Norton, involved in a law case resulting from her disastrous marriage, wrote that the law must be changed. Women, she […]

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Unmaking England

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Benjamin Schwarz wrties in the Continue reading here.

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House Democrats Turn to the Wrong Muslims for SOTU

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

25 House Democrats are expected to have Muslim guests during Tuesday night’s State of the Union speech. It’s in response to formally avoids due to historic ties to a Hamas […]

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Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Pair of Iraq Attacks

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Imam Lied About Philly Islamic State Shooter’s Connection to His Mosque

January 12, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Naturally, the only thing that has made it to television is the (usual) denial. Jordan Schachtel writes in Reuters report. But in the past day, his tone has changed strikingly. […]

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