The Iconoclast

Dr. Jill Bellamy: “The West is so naive when it comes to ISIS “

January 06, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Iran vs. Saudi Arabia: What a Pity Only One Side Can Lose

January 06, 2016
Michael Curtis

Who will be the dominant power in the Middle East: Sunni Saudi Arabia or Shia Iran?  The theological divide between the two versions of Islam, now 1,400 years old, is […]

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After the Bataclan

January 06, 2016
Theodore Dalrymple

On Christmas Eve, a group of 12 Muslims in the northern French town of Lens gathered round to protect a church where midnight mass was about to be performed. They […]

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U.K. Parliament Will Debate Banning Donald Trump From the Country

January 05, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

For calling a Muslim spade a spade. I can’t imagine they’d really do this. Trump may well be our next President.

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Things are going swimmingly in Afghanistan

January 05, 2016
Rebecca Bynum


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Prodigal Love for a Prodigal World

January 05, 2016
John Constantine

Dr. Mateen Elass has a commanding knowledge about Islam. He grew up in Saudi Arabia. Was a muslim for 20 years before converting to Christianity and fleeing from Saudi Arabia. He […]

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Belfast pastor James McConnell not guilty: ‘I want to assure Muslims I love them, what I am against is their theology’

January 05, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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German women report string of sexual assaults by ‘Arab and North African men’

January 05, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From Germany are investigating an alarming series of sexual assaults on women trying to celebrate the New Year by large groups of single men “of Arab or North African appearance”. […]

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New Jihadi John suspect ‘skipped bail over terror offences’ and declared Isil support on the BBC

January 05, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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Anti-Islamisation ‘PEGIDA’ Group Launches UK Chapter

January 05, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Shoshana Bryen on NSA Spying on Israel, Congress and American Jewish Leaders

January 04, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Child sex abuse trial: Police ‘ignored’ book detailing daughter’s abuse

January 04, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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ISIS Female Enforcers Mutilate and Kill Woman for Breastfeeding Baby in Public

January 04, 2016
John Constantine
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Speculation that ISIS executioner ‘could be Walthamstow jihadi’ – child identified as son of Lewisham convert

January 04, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Walthamstow yet again. From the Boy in new Isil execution video is son of Grace Dare, from Lewisham, who wants to be first woman to behead a hostage.  When I […]

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PODCAST: 1-3-16 Lisa Benson Show with Dr. M. Zhudi Jasser, Shoshana Bryen and Ryan Mauro: Muslim Reform, Syria, Israel and Pakistani Islamist Camps in the US

January 04, 2016
Jerry Gordon

Listen to this podcast of the January 3, 2016 Lisa Benson Show on KKNT 960The Patriot. .  Lisa Benson and New English Review Senior Editor Jerry Gordon co-hosted this show […]

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Sunni States Lining Up Against Shia Iran

January 04, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

We may be witnessing the beginning of a regional civil war between Sunni and Shi’a and crossing national borders.

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