The Iconoclast

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

January 03, 2016
John Constantine
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Listen to the Lisa Benson Show 1-3-16 at 3PM ET: Our Guests will be M. Zhudi Jasser, Shoshana Bryen and Ryan Mauro on Muslim Reform Movement, NSA Spying on Israel and Jihadist Training Camps in US

January 02, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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Al-Shabaab Wants to Help Hillary Clinton

January 02, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

I don’t see how else this could be interpreted, except perhaps Hillary had some kind of advance intelligence about this, but I rather doubt that.CBS News first reported. In the […]

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‘Jihadist propaganda’ found on computer of man who deliberately drove into French soldiers

January 02, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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Cargill Meat Solutions confronts Sharia Demands of CAIR and Somali Muslim workers in Colorado

January 02, 2016
Jerry Gordon
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We Have a Winner

January 02, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Keith Simmonds has won our Crossword for December. Congratulations Keith!

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Cargill Meat Packers to Muslim Employees: Pray on your own time

January 02, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

What fresh hell is this? 

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Media Spin Going Off the Rails

January 02, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

First there was the arson fire at the Houston mosque. Media: Backlash, backlash! It’s all Trump’s fault! yelling Allah Akbar and trying to run the cops down,. In response to the […]

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No Muslim in his right mind would want to come here

January 02, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Al-Shabaab recruit video with Trump excerpt: U.S. is racist, anti-Muslim

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Two killed by ‘smiling’ gunman who opened fire in bar in Tel Aviv after waited for it to fill up on bench outside and then calmly took machine gun out of backpack

January 01, 2016
Rebecca Bynum

Odds are the perpetrator was a member of the relgiion of peace. Story at the

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Munich Terror Plot: Police Hunt ‘Seven Iraqis’

January 01, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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It’s 2016, Meet Nadine

January 01, 2016
Rebecca Bynum
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Happy New Year

January 01, 2016
Esmerelda Weatherwax

to all our readers and my fellow contributors. Photograph from the

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Munich police warn of imminent terror threat

December 31, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the Sky News Police in the German city of Munich have warned of a planned terror attack and have asked people to avoid crowds. The police tweeted that the […]

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Watchdog on Washington Corruption: an interview with Christopher Farrell of Judicial Watch-NER

December 31, 2015
Jerry Gordon

On December 8, 2015, a press release about a long sought Pentagon email sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and aide, Jake Sullivan, by Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash, a deputy […]

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The ISIS Chemical Biological Threat to the West: a discussion with Dr. Jill Bellamy-NER

December 31, 2015
Jerry Gordon

The Islamic State (IS) terrorism’s long arm reaches out from its self-declared Caliphate in Raqqa, Syria. It broke like a thunderclap in the waning days of 2015. There was the downing […]

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