The Iconoclast
Mob of 30 Afghan men chase teenage girls through German shopping mall, sparking huge confrontation with police
The Bild reported. Four men, including the two main culprits, were later arrested but three of them have since been released due to ‘lack of grounds for detention’. They are […]
Best Rebuttal to Romney So Far
John Kluge writes at
Marx comes to the American Presidential Elections
No one could have expected that the current presidential campaign would feature not one but two candidates who resemble in some ways and might be considered Marxists, one of a […]
Feminist Terminology 5: Microaggression – TFF Episode 27
She Looked So Sweet Until The Knife Came Out
reports Bild. Approached by an officer, the young girl handed over her identity documents — the usual opening interaction between documented migrants and police officers in Germany — but as he […]
Trainee pilot at LA flight school, 23, faces deportation after writing Facebook post saying he was willing to kill Donald Trump
Apparently, we’re still allowing foreign Muslims to enroll in flight schools because to disallow them to do so would be (gasp!) discriminatory.
Old Tammany Hall = New GOP
Boss Tweed would approve. [GOP attorney Ben] Ginsberg explained that 73 percent of the delegates at the GOP convention “are chosen at state conventions or by state party executive committees […]
Hillary Emails Betrayed Whereabouts of Murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens
Aaron Klein writes in batch as well, serving as a reminder that numerous emails sent to Clinton’s private address betrayed Stevens’ location while he was stationed in arguably one of the most […]
France Threatens to Open the Floodgates on Migrants to Britain if People Vote to Leave EU
Well this is interesting – directly threatening the voters – not a good sign for the EU. I believe this would strengthen my resolve to vote to exit.
On Not Forgetting Molly Norris
In Argentina, in the time of the right-wing generals, many Argentinians were made to “disappear” – that is, they were killed for their political views, often in such grisly ways […]
Where is Saddam Hussein’s Bio WMD “Dr. Germ”, Rihab Taha?
US Captures Top ISIS Operative
ISIS is trying to gain WMD to unleash on Europe or America. As Donald Trump once said, waterboarding doesn’t bother me on little bit. We need to bring it back.
Nidra Poller: The Black Flag of Jihad Stalks La Republique
I just received Nidra Poller’s excellent new book in the mail. Once again she has produced a book filled with insight and sage foresight. Let me quote Steven K. Baum […]
Woman on trial in Russia says Allah ordered her to behead child
British need to retire at 81 to reach parents’ retirement income standard
It’s the same over here. Most people have blown what would have been their retirement savings on their children’s education.