The Iconoclast

Letter to Caroline Lucas, British Green MP who resigned from StoptheWar

December 09, 2015
Lorna Salzman

Dear Caroline Lucas: I am writing as a co founder of the New York State Green Party, as a former congressional candidate of the Suffolk County Green Party in New […]

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Convert who protested outside Parliament over Syrian airstrikes with poster saying ‘I am a Muslim… do you trust me enough for a hug?’ now faces jail for threatening to bomb MP’s house

December 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Could Syed Farook’s Mother Raffia Become a Suspect in the San Bernardino Jihad Terrorism Plot?

December 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Canadian Al-Huda Islamic Institute Closes Amid Controversial Disclosures

December 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon

  Al- Huda Islamic Institute, Mississauga, Ontario Source: Toronto Globe and Mail You read our posts on the bizarre Women’s Islamist madrassa Al- Huda network of schools in Pakistan Canada […]

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‘Women’s Studies’ is Betraying Women under Sharia Law

December 08, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Phyllis Chesler writes in

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Dem Rep: 40 American ISIS fighters have already returned to the United States

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

And how many of these US citizens are second or third generation Muslim immigrants.

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House Security Chairman: ISIS Tried To Use Refugee Program To Get Into U.S.

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

The Hill, “McCaul would not say specifically who informed him and other lawmakers about the revelation, only describing the sources as ‘elements of the intelligence community.’” “That was very courageous […]

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Obama Admin: Let in Millions of Impossible to Vet Muslims, then Show them the ABCs of ISIS

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Advent Calendar December 8th

December 08, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Continental style Christmas markets are very popular these days.  This is a city somewhere in England. 

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Paul Ryan is Not Who We Are as a Party

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

The replies: Donald Trump warned Tuesday that there will be additional terror attacks in the U.S. if his temporary ban on Muslim immigration is not put in place. “You’re going […]

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The Mainstream Media’s Multifarious Mental Junk

December 08, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

I have been watching, listening to, and reading all the multifarious mental junk that has been on offer on NPR and on CNN and on Fox, and at The Times […]

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Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook’s account two weeks before the shooting

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Donald Trump the Conversation Starter

December 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Mark Krikorian writes an excellent column in

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Naomi Ragen, in Israel, Says What Badly Needs To Be Said: ‘You Can Never Be "Nice" Enough to the Muslims"

December 08, 2015
Christina McIntosh

A sizzling op-ed that appeared in the English-language Israeli news outlet, “Israel National News” on December 7. ‘Op-Ed: You Can Never Be “Nice” Enough to the Muslims. ‘They want your country, […]

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Breaking News in Canada: Four Al-Huda Islamic Institute Students went to join ISIS in Syria

December 08, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Our colleague in Ottawa, David B. Harris, of INSIGNIS Research, Inc., noted counterterrorism columnist and former Canadian Intelligence Security Service official, sent us breaking news about the Al-Huda Canadian Islamic […]

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Al Huda: the Pakistani Women’s Islamic Academy that may have Radicalized Tafsheen Malik

December 07, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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