The Iconoclast
The State of Free Thought in Pakistan
Italy: Woman Dismembered by Imam for Wearing a Bathing Suit
An imam named Muhammad Zulkifal is on trial in Italy for murdering two of his fellow Pakistanis for the crime of wearing bathing suits at the beach. At least one […]
Belgian police find evidence that ISIS is looking to build dirty bomb
L. Todd Wood write in the Jihad Watch): Belgian police, while searching the home of an Islamic State or ISIS suspect after the Paris bombings last year, found surveillance films […]
Walsall taxi drivers charged over ‘child sex abuse’ of teenage girl
From the Midland’s newspapers Walsall Advertiser Three Walsall taxi drivers have been charged with child sex offences against a teenage girl. They are: Amjad Khan, 35, of Durham Place, who is charged […]
The Good Thief
by James Como (March 2016) “When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his […]
They Also Serve
by John M. Joyce (March 2016) here. by Rosemay Greenslaw Independantly published October, 2015 There’s no equivalent of Saint Francis of Assisi in the Muslim world, and there never can […]
Boston Police Commissioner William Evans: “We’re All Muslims Deep Down”
“Veterans, troubled by rhetoric, rally support of Muslims” reads the headline to a story in the print edition of today’s Boston Sunday Globe (online yesterday it was “, for his […]
Jude Law’s security team was attacked and mugged by migrants when the cameras stopped after the Hollywood star left the jungle camp in Calais
Oh please, St. Jude, lecture us some more.
Horror in Moscow as burka-clad babysitter ‘decapitates girl in her care’ – then walks through streets carrying her severed head and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’
From the Daily Mail A woman has been detained in Moscow after brandishing a severed child’s head at police when they tried to check her papers, according to local media […]
Imam at Danish mosque: Stone women to death
From the Danish edition of the video clip. “If someone violates their marriage, either man or woman, they commit adultery and their blood is thus halal [acceptable under Muslim law, ed.] […]
Tiny Minority of Extremists Continues to Multiply in Australia: Two ‘Security Risks’ A Day ‘Offloaded’ from Planes
As reported by Simon Benson for Sydney’s ‘Daily Telegraph’ on 28 February. “Two Australians A Day Are Being Hauled Off Flights For Security Risks.” “Australians” … More properly, “Australian-passport-holding Muslims”. […]
Miklós Radnóti: Learn… To Write Upon The Skies
Translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land (March 2016) 1 ENCHANTMENT We’re sitting in the brightness and scowling in the glare, a rosebush is leaping more>>>
The Garden
by David Solway (March 2016) On the clipped borders, a trellis of plums and cherries, straight paths embroidered in choreopsis and monarda and in the corner a strictly trimmed honeysuckle […]
I Would Call You Today
by Sutapa Chaudhuri (March 2016) But phone calls to your world need to pass through mindless red-tapism and age-old inertia; passports need to be fetched, more>>>
Trigger Warning
by Len Krisak (March 2016) How was I to know? There was no way to tell That when we came to Philomel Her tears would well up so.
The Tree at Frost’s Window Replies
by Evelyn Hooven (March 2016) “Not all your light tongues talking aloud Could be profound. . .” (from Robert Frost’s “Tree at My Window”) You don’t know me very […]