The Iconoclast

Muslim ‘Jihad’ Group Backs Campaign To Oust Labour MPs Who Vote For Syria Intervention

December 03, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

stalking horse for his sister, the current mayor of Waltham Forest, Saima Mahmood, who could be put up as an alternative candidate in the event of a trigger ballot against Ms. […]

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Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, lead suspects in the San Bernadino Massacre with 14 dead, 17 wounded

December 02, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Is ISIS Oil Profiteering an Erdogan “Family Business”?

December 02, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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ISIS video claims beheading of Russian spy, threatens Russian people

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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France Shuts Down 3 Mosques in Crackdown

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Maybe if they had taken these measures earlier…. (

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Study finds 300 active ISIS supporters online in the US

December 02, 2015
John Constantine

This is the number we know. How many more are out there that we don’t know? ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa“, also found that 71 people had been charged […]

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Advent Calendar December 2nd

December 02, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Steeleye Span sing In the Bleak Midwinter, from their album Winter.    

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Russia says it has proof Turkey involved in Islamic State oil trade

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

They don’t have to convince me.

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Down The Primrose Path With The Three Islamostooges

December 02, 2015
Richard Butrick

Al Azhar is generally regarded as Islam’s most prestigious university and, according to NYT, is Sunni Islam’s leading religious institution. But just what is the position of Al Azhar regarding […]

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Why Try to Change Woodrow Wilson Now?

December 02, 2015
Michael Curtis

Time and again I’ve longed for diversity, something to make my brain beat the faster. Searching for true diversity in U.S. colleges is quite an adventure. Some students at U.S. […]

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"All you Americans are fired.”

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

The H-2 guest worker program, which brought in 150,000 legal foreign workers last year, isn’t supposed to deprive any American of a job. But many businesses go to extraordinary lengths […]

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Zuckerberg TV Ads Aim to Make us Happy About Living in Upper Mexico with a Muslim Twist

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Just keep the cheap labor coming. plan to allow Syrian refugees in the country “insane.” GOP 2016 hopefuls like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Ben Carson have followed suit. […]

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Playing with Fire

December 02, 2015
Theodore Dalrymple

One of the greatest plays of the 20th century, at least of those known to me, is Max Frisch’s The Fire Raisers (1953). Written in the aftermath of the Second […]

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Luton anti-terror arrests: Four men held over alleged plot for attack on British soil

December 02, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

FThe Telegraph Police have broken up a suspected Islamist terror cell planning to launch an attack in the UK. Four men have been arrested in Luton on suspicion of committing terrorism […]

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The Usual Crazed Muslim Conspiracy Theories in Iraq

December 02, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Whatever the problem, blame the infidels.

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Islamic State Manifesto: Sleeper Cells Sent To Europe Posing As Refugees

December 01, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

John Rossomando writes in “Muslim No Go Zones” as bases of operations. As an example, it claims that some Syrian refugees fled to Italy. “No doubt, some of these refugees […]

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