The Iconoclast

Australia Tries to Halt "Major Disturbance" at Immigration Detention Camp

November 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

More profound, heartfelt gratitude from the religion of peace.

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The High Cost of Resettling Middle Eastern Refugees

November 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Karen Zeigler and Steven A. Camarota report for the full report here.

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Robert Azzi Misleads on Mideast yet again

November 09, 2015
Joseph S. Spoerl

In his Nov. 1 article, “Palestinians, Arabs, and the Holocaust,” published earlier this year in the Jewish Political Studies Review, a peer-reviewed, academic journal. Mr. Azzi engages in a good […]

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Another "Insider" Attack – in Jordan this time

November 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Let’s just quit pretending there are any substantial number of Muslims anywhere “on our side,” okay?

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77th Commemoration of Kristallnacht-‘The Night of Broken Glass” when “Jews were stranded”

November 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Welcome to Our New Country

November 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Hamtramck has made history,” community leader Bill Meyer said. “The election was far from close, with the three Muslim winners each gaining over 1,000 votes, while the other three candidates […]

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PODCAST; Lisa Benson Show 11-8-15 “Is it Safe to Fly” with Amb. Woolsey and Dr. Raymond Stock

November 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Plane bombing mastermind unmasked as Egyptian cleric

November 08, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Whitehall officials confirmed this weekend that Masri is a “person of interest” and that Britain would help Egypt or Russia in a “kill or capture” mission. Such a move could […]

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Sunday, 11-8-1: Listen to Ambassador Woolsey and Dr. Raymond Stock on ISIS Terror Bombing of Metrojet Flight 9268 Global and US Airport Risks 3PM EST

November 08, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag

November 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

This comes from Jihad Watch): (…) Unfortunately the tragic event at UC Merced illustrates just how our law enforcement leaders have not learned from their past mistakes and may have […]

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What Canada can do to help stabilize the Middle East and resurrect a strong Western alliance

November 08, 2015
Conrad Black

The new government has already declared that it will, as promised in the late election campaign, withdraw Canada’s token participation in the U.S.-led bombing campaign against the Islamic State in Syria […]

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British extremists linked to jet bomb: London & Birmingham voices heard cheering disaster

November 08, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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An English Cathedral remembers

November 08, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Iran EMP Threat to US Gulf: Why These States Should Challenge Obama?

November 07, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Wilders: Use Mandatory Public Referendums to Combat Ruling Elite on Issues like Mass Muslim Asylum

November 07, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Rock, Rap, Hip Hop and All That U.S. Jazz Diplomacy

November 07, 2015
Michael Curtis

Arabs and their friends seem very fond of rocks. On July 3, 2000 Edward Said, the University Professor of English at Columbia University, illustrated that fondness when he, unaware his […]

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