The Iconoclast

Islamic charities probed amid fears ‘cash could have made its way to ISIS’

October 31, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Islamic State Released this VIDEO of Shooting Russian Plane

October 31, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Is it authentic? I’m no expert, but it looks authentic to me.

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Islamic State group in Egypt claims it downed plane; Russia denies

October 31, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

ISIS is not claiming they shot it down, just that they’re responsible. Maybe the pilot was a sympathizer and crashed deliberately or maybe it was shot down by a manpad missile.

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Israel Arab Knesset Member Trips up: Blesses Jews on Tanakh Day for Ownership of Temple Mount

October 31, 2015
Jerry Gordon

  MK Ahmad Tibi of The Joint Arab List This past week, the Israeli Knesset or parliament recognized Tanakh Day. Tanakh is an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of […]

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2 Writers, Publisher Stabbed, Shot in Attack in Bangladesh

October 31, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Muslims asserting their “religious right” not to be subjected to contrary opinions, what else?

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One More Company Forced to Bend to Muslim Demands

October 31, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

announced Thursday. “This is fundamental to the American principles of religious freedom and tolerance.”

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Give Me That Old Time Religion

October 30, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Listen here.

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What Became Of Deso Dogg Since He Gave Us All The Slip

October 30, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Read here.

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Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin’s Legacy: 20 Years After His Assassination

October 30, 2015
Jerry Gordon

  This weekend there will be many commemorations and discussions on the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin by Yigal Amir, an extremist who killed him […]

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Do Women Want Equality? — The Fiamengo File Episode 12

October 30, 2015
David Solway
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Evangelical Anti-Zionism as an Adaptive Response to Shifts in American Cultural Attitudes

October 30, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Dexter Van Zile Continue reading here.

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The Socialist Republic of Canada

October 30, 2015
David Solway

The results of the Canadian general election are now graven in stone and Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has been given a decisive majority. Canadians have opted for change without stopping […]

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Clifford May On What Happened To SodaStream

October 30, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The consequences here.

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Where Could a Poet Run? by Miklós Radnóti

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

Translated from the Hungarian & Edited by Thomas Ország-Land (November 2015) 1. The First Eclogue   Quippe ubi fas versum atque nefas: tot bella per orbem, tam multae scelerum facies… […]

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Definitive Me

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Dilip Mohapatra (November 2015) Earth in my body an inheritance and a legacy is but a small scoop from the lithosphere.  more>>>

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Potatoes Cooked for Dinner

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Sutapa Chaudhuri (November 2015) In mustard oil, with poppy-seed paste and diced Jack-fruit seeds. A sprinkle of salt and turmeric over the cubed greens,  more>>>

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