The Iconoclast

You Might Not Choose to Read These Lines

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Bibhu Padhi (November 2015) There is no question, no urgency in seeking inconclusive answers. No desire for change and occasions;  more>>>

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Vale atque Ave

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by James Como (November 2015)   In the beginning of our idyll, away from the Projects and concrete, right in front of our new home with a lawn near a […]

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Dancing with Minguito

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by David P. Gontar (November 2015) One of her earliest memories was of a tall, gaunt dama handing her a cup of tea. The flesh was taut, stretched over contorted […]

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October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by A. Human Being (November 2015) December 9, 2014: On the bus from Marawi to Maramag, Philippines It’s impossible to get what I want, Saladin thought on the day of […]

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The Delicious Irony of Irwin Schiff (1928-2015), R.I.P.

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Richard Kostelanetz (November 2015) In libertarian circles, Irwin Schiff will always be remembered as a Great American Tax Protestor who regarded federal income taxes as “unconstitutional,” sometimes declaring zero […]

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Leaving Hinduism to Embrace Equality

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Ankur Betageri (November 2015)   One of the main sources of disharmony in Indian society is the eternal antagonism between the Brahminists and the Dalits. The Brahminist (defined as […]

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Two Inquiries

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Richard Kostelanetz (November 2015) Part I: SCRUTINIZING BRITANNICA.COM Soon after discovering in 2000 an entry on myself on, I made for myself an informal list of people also […]

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Putin’s Great Game in the Middle East and Eastern Europe: an interview with Dr. Michael Rubin

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Jerry Gordon and Lisa Benson (November 2015) Dr. Michael Rubin, Resident Scholar at the Washington, DC, American Enterprise Institute was a guest on the Lisa Benson Show, Sunday, October 4th. […]

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In Defense of Ben Carson’s Remarks on the Holocaust

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Norman Berdichevsky (November 2015) In a statement to the public on October 10, Israel Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon urged all civilians with license to carry firearms to arm themselves so […]

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Iraqi Christians Face Extinction: an interview with Joseph T. Kassab

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Jerry Gordon (November 2015) One of the oldest Christian minorities in the Middle East is in danger of extinction: the Assyrian Chaldeans in Northern Iraq and adjacent Syria. They are […]

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Pastor Kaj Munk: Martyr of the Danish Resistance

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

Why Christians Must Never be Pacifists in the Face of Evil by Norman Berdichevsky (November 2015) Kaj Munk, a Danish cleric, identified as a rightwing political and cultural figure in […]

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Jean Baudrillard vs. America?

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Paul Austin Murphy (November 2015) Jean Baudrillard was a well-known French philosopher and sociologist. He died in 2007. Baudrillard, along with Jean-François Lyotard, more or less invented postmodernism – […]

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Depending on Execution

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Theodore Dalrymple (November 2015) ‘Depend upon it, Sir,’ said Doctor Johnson, ‘when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.’ Actually, […]

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Once More (and Patience Please), Why No American Socialism?

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Samuel Hux (November 2015) Irving Kristol wrote in his Reflections of a Neoconservative the most elegant tribute a conservative ever paid socialism, even as he announced its demise, “Socialism: […]

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Putin Rising

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by G. Murphy Donovan (November 2015) “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.” Human history is about a lot of […]

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Why Oslo Failed: Confronting “Peace Now”

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Louis René Beres (November 2015) Notwithstanding the latest “Peace Now” demonstrations in Tel-Aviv, Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority remain destined to fail. This is not because […]

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