The Iconoclast

Bob Woodward and the Watergate Myth

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Conrad Black (November 2015) The latest round in Bob Woodward’s campaign for permanent high consciousness of the Watergate Myth is a superfluous little volume just published about Alexander Butterfield, […]

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Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

October 30, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Theodore Dalrymple (November 2015) As I grow older, my inclination to praise famous men increases. By fame I do not mean celebrity in the vulgar sense, I mean it […]

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Bernie Sanders Vows to Lead Fight Not Against Jihad Terror, but Against ‘Islamophobia’

October 30, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Not that you were going to vote for him anyway, but…. From

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British son of hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed is ‘executed by ISIS in Syria’

October 30, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Actually, terrorists do want to kill us

October 30, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Farzana Hassan in the   I recently participated in a panel discussion organized by Hazlitt, an online contemporary affairs magazine published by Penguin Random House Canada. The purpose was to introduce […]

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Government rejects West Ham mega-mosque appeal

October 30, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

I didn’t doubt Newham Recorder. The Department for Communities and Local Government has announced that appeals relating to the planned mosque in West Ham have been dismissed. The main appeal […]

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De Telegraaf Interview: Wilders Awaits Unfair Trial

October 29, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Geert Wilders has, once again, been accused, of violating hate laws in The Netherlands over a  remark he made during a March 19, 2014  Freedom Party (PVV) campaign rally for […]

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Saudi blogger Raif Badawi Wins EU’s Sakharov Rights Prize

October 29, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Very glad to see this.

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Swedish Journalist Pelted with Stones While Trying to Film in No-Go Zone

October 29, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

told Swedish newspaper Expressen. Ms Xhaferi planned on investigating police reports that any officer trying to patrol the Stockholm district of Tensta – with its foreign born population now over […]

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Sharia Law And The 2nd Amendment

October 29, 2015
John Constantine

Umar was the second Caliph after the prophet Mohammed. He reigned from 634 till 644 A.D. Strangely enough, like most Caliphs he died violently at the hands of fellow Muslims, […]

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In Israel, More and More, People Understand: "Forget About Waiting For Peace With Islam"

October 28, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Thus the caption of a  ruthlessly-clearheaded op ed by one Victor Sharpe that was published by Israel National News on Wednesday 28 October 2015. “Op: Ed: Forget About Waiting For […]

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Welsh imam jailed over £18.5m arms deal with Libyan militia

October 28, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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ISIS Captives Say They Faced Blade as Rescue Came

October 28, 2015
Rebecca Bynum


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Muslim Patients, German Doctors At Breaking Point

October 27, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Chutzpah And Christopher Ricks

October 27, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Of course it’s partly sour grapes. When I think of all the signatures I was too diffident to ask for. The Mookse and the Sweetly Sour Gripes. Read  all about the crisrixian […]

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Abu Qatada condemns ‘filthy’ Shias in new al-Qaeda magazine

October 27, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the Daily Mail Abu Qatada, the radical preacher who fought a decade-long battle to avoid deportation from Britain, has denounced “filthy” Shia Muslims in a propaganda article for al-Qaeda’s affiliate […]

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