The Iconoclast

Reza Aslan, World-Conqueror

October 24, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

There’s so much to choose among stories to depress you. For example, this one about Reza Aslan. 

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"Blasphemous disregard for all that is sacred to the civilized world.." Some Reflections on the Latest Eruption of Jihad In Israel

October 24, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Following events in Israel over the past twenty days or so – these frenzied murders and attempted murders of Jews, by allahu-akbaring Muslim Arabs, the hurling of rocks and of molotov cocktails, […]

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Netanyahu and Violence against Jews

October 24, 2015
Michael Curtis

The New York Times is overjoyed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, strained in the tension of the Arab stabbing of Jews in Jerusalem and other places, “misspoke” in remarks on October […]

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Soldiers of the Caliphate (Sunnis) Blow Up Polytheists (Shi’a) in Bangladesh

October 24, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

ISIS, ISIS everywhere. happened in Pakistan yesterday.

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An Interlude, for the House of Israel in a Time of Darkness and Danger. Betach Bashem.

October 24, 2015
Christina McIntosh

The musical item I present here was brought to my attention by a posting at the excellent Israeli blog, “Israellycool”, made by one of his regular guests, Varda Epstein. The full […]

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The Rise and Fall of Prime Ministers

October 24, 2015
Conrad Black

In the dramatic fall of the Harper government and the meteoric doubling of the Liberal percentage of the popular vote, and quintupling of that party’s number of MPs, it is […]

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Denmark to get tough on foreign fighters’ ‘treason’

October 24, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

This is from the Danish edition of the“rub our noses in diversity”   Per capita, Denmark is the second largest European source after Belgium of jihadist fighters going to the […]

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Muslim men having ’20 children each’ because of polygamy, peer claims

October 24, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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TalkTalk cyber attack: ‘Russia-based Islamic jihadists’ claim responsibility for hack

October 23, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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Muslim woman ‘backs death penalty for homosexuality’ on live radio

October 23, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

This follows London Evening Standard. The young woman is named Zainab. She lives in Upney which is a district of Barking, one stop further on the District Line heading towards […]

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Murder as Politics

October 23, 2015
Louis René Beres

Even as growing numbers of Palestinian terrorists stab madly at Israeli men, women, and children, much of the world still endorses creation of “Palestine.” Such mindless support continues, moreover, despite […]

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CAIR Slams Trump For Suggesting Some Mosques Should Possibly Be Closed

October 23, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

which said that they are “un-American” and fly against freedom of religion. Let’s see now, what religion is unequivocally against freedom of religion? And what religion comes with it’s own judicial […]

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The World’s Hate Affair with the Jewish People

October 23, 2015
The Law

Vic Rosenthal

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The Man-Shaming Project – The Fiamengo File Episode 11

October 23, 2015
David Solway
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Tracking Domestic Terrorists with Spy Planes

October 23, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Nothing Says ‘Islam’ Like a Friday Suicide Bombing

October 23, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

One more in Pakistan.

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