The Iconoclast

Child refugee brides as young as 12 ordered to STAY with men they were forced to marry

October 23, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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A Little More on That Recent Study of Aussie Attitudes Toward Muslim Immigration

October 22, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Graham Young, writing in The Australian. ‘Concerns About Islam Must Not Be Ignored’. ‘A change of leadership in the Liberal Party (from the abrasive and somewhat Islamoresistant Tony Abbott, […]

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Despite Non-Stop Propaganda Puffery from Media, the Academy and Officialdom, Many Aussies Are Healthily Wary of Islam

October 22, 2015
Christina McIntosh

As was discovered by some earnest researchers, recently.   Here is Rita Panahi, a columnist in the Herald-Sun, writing quite sensibly on the subject. “Concern Over Muslim Immigration Does Not […]

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Turkish Opposition Reveals ISIS, Not Assad, Perpetrated 2013 Sarin Attack in Syria with Turkish Supplies

October 22, 2015
Jerry Gordon

CHP MPs Eren Erdem and Ali Seker at the Press Conference (Photo: Todays Zaman, October 21, 2015) My colleague Ilana Friedman has been telling me for some time that Sarin […]

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Cologne gang on trial for burglaries to fund Islamist fighters

October 22, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Never the Twain

October 22, 2015
Theodore Dalrymple

A novelist may have bad opinions but write good books. I haven’t read any of the detective stories of Henning Mankell, the Swedish world best-selling author who died recently, but […]

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The Cult of Violence and the Yellow Badge for Jews

October 22, 2015
Michael Curtis

The wave of violence started by Palestinians youths,the stabbing of Israeli civilians and the Israeli response, that has resulted in the deaths of 43 Palestinians, 10 Israelis, and a Eritrean […]

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The Season of U.S. Discontent

October 22, 2015
Conrad Black

The peculiarity of the American political scene now is a profound revulsion against the more than 20 years of misgovernment the country has suffered, from both parties and in all […]

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In Australia "Quadrant" Publishes an Article About Muslim Intimidation of the Press

October 22, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Tony Thomas writes about “The Real Backlash”. ‘Gathered to honour the memory of a crusading editor, some of the biggest names in the news business were told by one […]

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Islamic preacher who called on God to ‘prepare us for the Jihad’ spoke at Trojan Horse school

October 22, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Mufti al-Husseini’s initiatory role in the Holocaust

October 21, 2015
Robert Harris

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been widely castigated for highlighting the role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, a former Mufti of Jerusalem, in the Holocaust, during widely criticised. Even […]

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Anti-terror arrests: Police detain man, 23, in east London and four people in Yorkshire

October 21, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Inviting an Endless Terror

October 21, 2015
Louis René Beres

A core principle of all civilized legal systems – one reaffirmed very explicitly at Nuremberg, during the major post-war trial of Nazi war criminals – is Nullum crimen sine poena, or,  “No crime […]

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Trump: Revoke Passports For Those Who Go To Fight For ISIS, Would ‘Look At’ Closing Certain Mosques’

October 21, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

claim about George W. Bush and September 11th, he did say that former President Bill Clinton, along with Bush holds responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. He added, “Now, was Clinton […]

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Hunt for Islamic radicals infiltrating public sector

October 20, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the The Telegraph David Cameron has launched a major review into whether Islamist extremists have infiltrated the NHS, the civil service, local authorities and the country’s education system. I […]

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Where’s the Denominator?

October 20, 2015
Theodore Dalrymple

City Journal.

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