The Iconoclast
How Many Tashfeen Maliks are Among the 200,000 Immigrants from Pakistan We’ve Brought in Since 9/11?
Daniel Horowitz writes in followed the blueprint of bomb making detailed in Inspire magazine. Before Thanksgiving,
When Our Own Attorney General Forgets the Constitution
Alex Griswold writes in
Alabama woman radicalized online found to be among ISIS’ most active recruiters
Advent Calendar December 4th
Arise, Sir Loin The Second Charles of England Rode forth one Christmastide To hunt a gallant stag of ten, Of Chingford woods the pride. Quoth Charles: Odds fish! a noble dish, […]
Wilders Tells Turks: ‘You will never join EU’
Tashfeen Malik Pledged Allegiance to ISIS on Facebook
We’re shocked, shocked! We thought the husband was just a “
Garett Jones’ Hive Mind Wimp Out
Having seen an
California Shooting Shows Jihad Risk From Muslim Migrants’ U.S.-Born Children
Neil Munro writes at Anwar al Awlaki, born in New Mexico in 1971 to accomplished, professional-class Yemeni parents. He subsequently embraced the a superior model for society and government [so] you’ve […]
U.S. Muslims Feel Intense Backlash – Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
The best line was from Mark Steyn (I think). Headline: “Muslims fear backlash from next Tuesday’s terror attack” Maybe they’d feel more comfortable in a Muslim country.
No Radicals Around Here
‘Why do you dress so smartly?’
The day before the Swedish coalition government of Social Democrats and Greens announced that it was reversing its refugee policy and closing its borders to all but the minimum numbers […]
170,000 More Muslims to Immigrate to US Next Year, SB Shooter Passed Vetting Process
Paris terrorist ‘phoned Birmingham several times before attacks’
From the
Senators Demand Obama Release Immigration History of San Bernardino Attackers
letter that the Obama administration release the immigration records of the two suspected shooters who killed at least 14 people in San Bernardino, California, this week. Sens. Ted Cruz (R., […]
Temper compassion toward Muslim “refugees” with reality
Isi Leibler
Advent Calendar December 3rd
There are a series of mosaic panels set in the pavement round The Abbey Church of Waltham. They represent the seasons and were made by the Paul Siggins studio. This […]