The Iconoclast
No Christians: All 132 Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. Since Paris Attacks Are Sunni Muslims
New York Post/ Sunday London Times: Dozens of Paris Airport Workers on Terrorism Watch List
What Do They Want?
by Nidra Poller (December 2015) (Nidra Poller’s two previous articles on the Paris terror attacks are “Bonjour Tristesse.”) Our French feminine newscasters are attractive, charming, refined, and fashionably dressed. (Though a few […]
Fury at Labour’s segregated rally: Sexism row after men and women are split up at Asian party event ahead of key Oldham West by-election
German officials warn of homegrown Islamists trying to radicalize refugees
Oh yeah, there is that..
Train to be an illiterate at a British University
A few days ago I saw a little item in the Guardian newspaper whose size belied its significance. It said that Indian students were increasingly abandoning Britain as a place […]
Predatory Islamic State Wrings Money From Those It Rules
Protection money.
After the Paris attacks and Brussels raids, Belgium’s Jews consider new exodus
At Last, We Are Certain by András Mezei
Translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land (December 2015) 1. Hunger: The Facts The skin turns bluish white. The nails bend into claws. more>>>
Perfect Image
by Ankur Betageri (December 2015) In Delhi’s liver there is no calm. Hum of AC, rattling of fan. Eyes shut up like inside a clam— more>>>
The World as We Know It
by Eric Rozenman (December 2015) At the end of the cul-de-sac At the end of the world as we know it On a sleepy Sunday morning more>>>
Sunday Morning Beggars at Puri
by Bibhu Padhi (December 2015) I become a mother, a father, a mistress, a master. The calls get louder, then more>>>
Homage to Two Octogenarian Women
by Evelyn Hooven (December 2015) I (The restaurant) The woman in the restaurant Asks the words for thank you, please, yes. The waiter thinks he is patient more>>>
Unheard Voices
A Poem in Three Sections by Sutapa Chaudhuri (December 2015) I I’m the formless foetus you aborted, Mother, when yesterday, at the ultrasonography clinic, the doctor told you I’d be […]
“Defense of Freedom is a Defense of White Privilege”
by Lorna Salzman (December 2015) Welcome to today’s hearing sponsored by the House Subcommittee on Safe Spaces and Offensive Speech. My name is Joseefa McCarthy, chair of this subcommittee of […]
The Infidels
by Joe David (December 2015) The Baghdad Desert, Summer of 1915 She awoke on a bed of sand in the hot desert – a fourteen-year-old dropped in the middle of […]