The Iconoclast
From Detroit, This Year’s Model
Detroit was the second American city I ever visited. It was fifty years ago, and it was then at the apogee of its prosperity. It never occurred to me—I don’t […]
Poll: 40 Percent Of Millennials Want Speech Censored
This is an alarming number. From the
Bonjour Tristesse
Paris 20-21 November 2015 Friday: Steady cold rain is falling as the truth starts to sink in. Rain extinguishes the memorial candles and flattens the bouquets in front of the […]
Dr. Jill Bellamy’s Prescient Assessment of ISIS’ CBRN Threat to Europe
ISIS Use of Powerful Amphetamine Captagon
Sunday 11-22-15: Lisa Benson Show on Bracing for ISIS Brussels & CBW attack with Dr. Jill Bellamy, Nidra Poller and Morten Storm
King of Denmark
On November 1st, David Frum (A speechwriter who is Jewish and worked for President George W. Bush), wrote to the editors of Commentary Magazine…. The story of the gallant people […]
Anti-Defamation League Continues Pushing False Equivalency
Muslims are not the new Jews. Islam poses a unique and existential threat to the United States. The ADL is wrong.
Obama Vows More Refugees "as long as I’m President."
…which won’t be too much longer.
Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’
What eight years of Obama have wrought.
Brussels metro shut as Belgian capital put on maximum alert
Mark Durie: Love is Not Enough when it comes to ISIS
Waleed Aly, Australian Brisbane TV commentator Source: The Daily Mail, U.K. Dr. Mark Durie, Australian pastor Middle East Forum Shillman Ginzburg Fellow and author, posted this commentary after Australian TV […]
Belgium charges suspect with Paris terror offences
From the
Three men accused of terror group membership fight extradition
From the Bradford newspaper the
Terror suspect ‘planned attack in Stockholm’
From the Swedish edition of Police told The Local that the same picture had been distributed to officers. The suspect is believed to have been living in Sweden since September. […]
Geert Wilders: The Dutch deserve a democratic referendum on their immigration policy
Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, March 19, 2014 The New York Times published an op ed in today’s edition by Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom […]