The Iconoclast

‘Queen of Ivory’: Africa’s infamous poaching mastermind nabbed

October 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

National Geographic. The overall numbers have likely fallen further still in the ensuing years. Importing ivory to the U.S. for commercial reasons is banned. Even the sale of grandfathered ivory […]

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The Worldview of Obama’s Point Man on Iran Deal

October 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Anti-Israel conspiracy theories are becoming part and parcel of the Left in general. Adam Kredo writes in the State Department’s article praising Iranian Quds Force Chief Ghassem Suleimani, who is directly […]

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BDS in a Jewish Day School

October 09, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Ari Lieberman writesin Continue reading here.

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Confessions of a Member of the One Percent

October 09, 2015
Theodore Dalrymple

Passing a kiosk in France recently, I noticed a magazine on the rack that promised to reveal to the multitude the secrets of the One Percent. The One Percent in […]

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Putin’s Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies

October 09, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Edward Luttwak writes in the

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Top Ukraine official backs idea ‘to help ISIS take revenge on Russian soldiers in Syria’

October 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum


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ISIS tells fighters to GANG RAPE women saying sex with multiple jihadis makes them MUSLIM

October 09, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Navy Seal who ‘killed Osama bin Laden’ threatened by Islamic State

October 09, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Could The JCPOA be in Violation of a 2012 Iran Sanctions Law Signed by President Obama?

October 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon

President Obama and Iranian President Rouhani UN General Assembly, September 2015 Source: New York Post James Rosen of Fox News published an intriguing investigative report, “EXCLUSIVE: US Officials conclude Iran […]

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Muslim Witnesses Laughed and Spat At Badly-Wounded Jewish Woman In Jerusalem

October 09, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Chillingly-revealing testimony from a young Jewish woman who, with her child and husband, was murderously attacked by a Muslim in the Old City in Jerusalem. Her husband was murdered; she […]

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Eight Days, Just Eight Days – Of Muslim Attacks – Jihad – Upon Jews, In Israel, 1-8 October 2015

October 08, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Summarised by Gil Ronen in Israel National News. “Terror Timeline: A Bloody Week, Day after Day’ ‘Arab terror onslaught (that should be, “Muslim Terror Onslaught” – CM) has been […]

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Stating the Obvious : "Israel, October 2015: This is War"

October 08, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Mordechai Kedar with his trenchant op ed “It’s Jihad, Stupid” is not the only Jew in Israel who sees what is going on and is able to tell it like […]

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Bon Jovi Defies BDS, Performs in Tel Aviv, Dedicates To Israel New Song "We Don’t Run"

October 08, 2015
Christina McIntosh

This took place on Saturday 3 October 2015, even as Muslims threw rocks and carried out stabbing attacks on Jews within Israel. ‘Empathetic Jon Bon Jovi Dedicates Song “We […]

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Kampus Kangaroo Kourt – The Fiamengo File Episode 9

October 08, 2015
David Solway
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Hold On To The Constitution

October 07, 2015
John Constantine

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen […]

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Los Abandandos- a new film on the Murder Mystery of Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman

October 07, 2015
Jerry Gordon

  Alberto Nisman assassination graphic Greg Groesch/Washington Times   When Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was murdered under mysterious circumstances on January 18, 2015, we wrote of the curious circumstances surrounding […]

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