The Iconoclast

The End of a Beautiful Friendship: Obama and Netanyahu

July 11, 2015
Michael Curtis

Michael Oren has had an honorable career, growing up in New Jersey, a baseball fan who got his doctorate at Princeton, a distinguished historian, and Israeli ambassador to Washington from […]

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The Society Of The Cincinnati

July 11, 2015
John Constantine

At the end of the American Revolutionary War Major General Henry Knox organized the first chapter of the Society of the Cincinnati. The very first meeting was chaired by Lieutenant […]

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UNESCO Condones Muslim Claims to Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem

July 10, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem During  a panel discussion at Pensacola’s Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue on June 27th following a showing of the APT documentary The J Street […]

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I Say: Do Not Vote For This Man

July 10, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield
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Campus Thought Control

July 10, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Jonathan Rosenblum writes in the

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Greece and its Jewish Problem

July 10, 2015
Michael Curtis

Greece is the historical land of myths that have influenced literature and life. No myth is more compelling than the series of heroic tasks performed by Hercules. Of these, the […]

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Muslim who praised IS drove case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon Belfast pastor McConnell

July 10, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the prosecution case against Pastor James McConnell. The evangelical preacher faces up to six months in prison if convicted over a sermon last year in which he branded Islam […]

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ISIS Destroys Another Ancient Church in Mosul, Kills Children in the Process

July 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

One more way of saying “Happy Ramadan.”

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FBI Director James Comey: Several ISIS-Inspired July 4 Attacks Foiled

July 09, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Pete Williams writes at advertisement   “It’s actually hard to figure out when they’re trying to kill somebody,” Comey said. “And you cannot say, ‘Well, we’ve got to do it […]

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Congress Steps up for the Kurds

July 09, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Pro-US & Israel Syrian Peshmerga Women Fighters Source: KUDNAS The war against the Islamic State is shredding the map of the modern Middle East based on the Sykes Picot Treaty […]

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Poll: Half of British Muslims May Be ISIS Sympathisers – Muslim Association Blames Tory Cuts

July 09, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From poll of 2016 people commissioned by The Mirror revealed. Three per cent of Britons now declare a “very favourable view” of IS – rising from one per cent last year – […]

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How the Failed Iran Agreement Will Threaten Israel’s Nuclear Strategy

July 09, 2015
Louis René Beres

“The safety of the People Shall be the highest law.” (Cicero, De Legibus[2]  It could also mean taking new steps to challenge an expected barrage of substantially shrill “nonproliferation” demands. At least as […]

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Russia’s Weimar Syndrome

July 09, 2015
Conrad Black

It is 75 years since Winston Churchill referred to Russia as “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” It is today a much reduced entity, but it is […]

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ISIS supporter releases guide on establishing ‘Muslim gangs’, how to spread hate among Islamic communities, stop them integrating with non-Muslims, and using charities as fronts to raise cash

July 09, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Jihadi supporters have been circulating a radical guidebook on social media, providing deadly instructions on how to create an active terror cell. The shocking handbook, which has not been named […]

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Top 5 Districts for Criminal Cases in U.S. District Court Are on Mexican Border

July 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Terence P. Jeffrey writes in

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More Than 347,000 Convicted Criminal Immigrants At Large In U.S.

July 08, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Caroline May writes in

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