The Iconoclast
Are the Palestinians Starting a Religious War?
The upsurge of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens – by young people, female as well as male – the resumption of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, the insistence on […]
A Bien Pensant Pope
The Pope’s recent address to a joint session of Congress was greeted ecstatically, though (or perhaps because) it was notable mainly for its secular rather than for its religious pieties. […]
Iran Parliament Rejects Nuke Deal, Passes Amended Version
Jordan Schachtel writes in reported that the majilis approved the actual text of the JCPOA, according to experts. New York Post columnist Amir Taheri has MEMRI), a regional watchdog organization, […]
Meanwhile, An Islamic Fifth Column Builds Inside America
Paul Sperry writes in
Park View Academy had prefect ‘morality squad’ snooping on pupils in secret relationships, hearing told
Truth about Justin Trudeau
Taliban Waged a Calculated Campaign Against Women in Kunduz
ISIS-aligned Filipino militants release hostage video
Jeremy Corbyn: The courage of his scruffiness?
Mr Corbyn is scruffy in a social worker kind of way, but whether this is natural to him or a matter of calculation I do not know. I suspect that […]
First pictures show Remembrance Day beheading plot suspect wielding gun menacingly
Russian police foil ISIS plot to bomb Moscow trains
Obama Poised to Sign Iran Deal: Time for the States to Bring Suit in Federal Court?
President Obama and Iranian President Rouhani Un General Assembly, September 2015 Sourece: New York Post Thursday, October 15, 2015, President Obama will sign an executive order in the Oval […]
Schoolboy, 15, screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he shoots his teacher with BB gun in class is arrested by French police and admits he intended to ‘die a martyr’ after being radicalised
Le Parisien the boy is now being treated in hospital as a psychaitric patient.
A 74-year-old British man faces 350 lashes for having wine in Saudi Arabia
That’s after he has spent a year in prison.
End the Sound of Silence on Palestinian Terrorism
Hello darkness. The whole world, except perhaps the venerable Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the author Alice Walker, and the UN Human Rights Council, recognize that the State of Israel is the […]
‘Islam will rule’: Graffiti sprayed on the side of a historic Bendigo church near where anti-mosque protesters began their rally
From the