The Iconoclast

A Forgotten Geo-Political Name Game: Palestine-Israel-Jordan

June 28, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield

Michael Zimmerman writes in the

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Happy Birthday, Canada

June 28, 2015
Conrad Black

As we observe the 148th anniversary of Confederation, there are a few facts civic-minded Canadians should remember. However humdrum it may seem at times, this system has served us well […]

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Israel Not Getting Boycotted Where It Counts

June 28, 2015
Michael Curtis

It is always a moment of amusement to read the latest fulmination of the venerable archbishop emeritus Desmond Tutu.  On June 17, 2015, he beguiled us again with his message […]

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Gerstenfeld on Israel’s Contribution towards Defeating the Islamic State

June 27, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Manfred Gerstenfeld Manfred Gerstenfeld , author of The War of a Million Cuts  reviewed in the June 2015 New English Review,  published a  prescient  essay  mid-June  in the Jerusalem Post. […]

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‘An attack upon the nests of fornication, vice and disbelief in God’: ISIS’s chilling words after Tunisian massacre which killed 38 as they warn ‘worse is to follow’

June 27, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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Most Tunisia hotel attack victims were British: Tunisia premier

June 27, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Congress Passes “Landmark” Anti-BDS Amendment Opposed by J Street and Peace Now

June 26, 2015
Jerry Gordon

What some consider as a “landmark” anti-BDS Amendment to the Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority legislation passed the Senate on Wednesday afternoon, June 24, 2015.  Having passed both the House […]

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IS calls for jihad, martyrdom during Ramadan

June 26, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

I didn’t have a chance to post this on Tuesday – they weren’t joking were they!

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Will Polygamy be Next?

June 26, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

And if not, why not?

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French terror victim was attacker’s boss

June 26, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the French edition of The attacker has been named by the Interior Minister as Yassin Salhi (spelling unconfirmed), a 35-year-old man from Saint-Priest, the fourth biggest suburb of Lyon. It […]

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Another Troubling Poll of American Muslims

June 26, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

another CSP-commissioned Polling Company nationwide survey. According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to […]

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Attack On Tourist Hotel In Tunisia

June 26, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Latest fromseven deaths.

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France Terror: Decapitated Head Covered in Arabic Writing Hung on Fence

June 26, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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The Evil That We Do

June 26, 2015
James Como

Last Sunday, June 21, Fathers’ Day, at 11a.m., during the first service since the diabolical massacre of nine worshipful congregants at the Mother Emmanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina, the […]

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FBI Rounding Up ISIS Supporters

June 26, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Josh Rogin and Eili Lake write at

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Man Beheaded And Islamist Flag Raised In France

June 26, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Breaking news from Legal sources have told AFP that the man arrested at the scene is indeed the suspected attacker. 

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