The Iconoclast
Donald Trump’s Position Paper on the Second Amendment
September 18, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
Seems like
Can the Senate Sue the President over his handling of the Iran Deal?
September 18, 2015
Jerry Gordon
Yesterday, the Senate Republican majority failed in a last move to upend the Iran Nuclear deal. As reported by the AP, a Senate vote on a resolution linking lifting […]
"We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims"
September 18, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
Trump needed to tread lightly here and he did. Democrats are jumping up and down, calling Turmp a racist for not blowing off the legitimate concerns of many, many Americans […]
TERROR ALERT: 3,000 Islamist extremists in Britain ‘ready to ATTACK the UK in weeks’
September 18, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
Barack Obama’s Half-Clocked Tale of Islamophobia
September 18, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
Robert Spencer writes at
Did Liberals know anything about the Iran Deal?
September 17, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield
Ami Horowitz does it again:
Al-Aqsa Address: ‘We Will Trample [The Jews And Christians] Underfoot; Europeans ‘Have Lost Their Fertility… We Will Breed Children With Them… [And] Conquer Their Countries’; ‘We Shall… Collect [The Refugees] In The Name Of The Coming Caliphate’
September 17, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
Captured by the indispensable
ISIS Fighters Are Smuggled into Europe Easily
September 17, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
From the Read it all.
Islamic terrorist shot dead after Berlin attack on policewoman
September 17, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
September 17, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield
Roy Beck’s classic presentation deserves another viewing.
The Monstrous Male Gaze
September 17, 2015
David Solway
Fiamengo File Episode 6:
McConnell and Corker: Follow the Money
September 17, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield
Doug Ross
Kebab shop owner faces terrorism charges for serving ‘AK-47’ and ‘M16’ meals
September 17, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
From the
Child molester given longer sentence as victims are Asian
September 17, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
This is very wrong – all sex abuse victims suffer. The reasons will be different in every case but there is no reason why those who abuse white of black […]
Islamists declare brotherhood with Islamic State in Stratford
September 17, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
From the
British universities that give the floor to extremist speakers are named and shamed
September 17, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
From the