The Iconoclast
Bushmeat and Metrophobia
I try to avoid big cities these days, but they have their advantages. For example I went to Paris recently to the exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of Le Corbusier’s […]
“Obama Blames Israel”: SUNDAY -Listen to Lisa Benson Show 4PM EST 3PM CST 2PM MST and 1PM PST & AZ
British jihadi’s VJ Day plot to bomb the Queen in Central London
British jihadis plan to blow up the Queen next weekend at an event to mark the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
See You In New York
Thursday, less than two weeks ago, an ISIS inspired attack took the lives of four unarmed Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Any rational person understands that this attack […]
President Obama’s War on Pro-Israel AIPAC Undermining his Iran Pact Legacy
Iran Confirms Quds Force Commander Visit to Moscow in Defiance of UN Travel Bans
We posted yesterday on Fox News reporting the visit of Iran’s Special Forces Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani to Moscow in defiance of UN travel bans to visit Russian President […]
100% of female employment gains taken by foreigners since 2007
The The charts show that 9.041 million foreign-born women held jobs in December of 2007 compared to 10.028 million today – or a gain of roughly 1 million jobs. In […]
It’s Friday, the Muslim Sabbath, What did you expect?
Suspected Islamists holding hostages after Mali hotel raid
New York US Senate Delegation splits on Iran Nuclear Plan: Schumer Rejects; Gillbrand Approves
New York US Senators Charles Schumer versus Kirsten Gillibrand Source: Dr. Rich Swier eMagazine The New York Times and Medium reported a split decision in the New York Senate delegation […]
Isis Happens
Sometimes the employment of a single word in common use gives away an entire worldview. There was just such a usage in the City Journal.
Another Blogger Hacked to Death in Bangladesh
Muslim who pleaded guilty to terror offences tells Old Bailey that UK ‘is a joke’
From the Broadmoor Hospital. He will be sentenced on 21 September.
Iran Violates Sanctions: Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani visited Putin in Moscow
Russian President Putin and Iranian Quds Force Commander Soleimani Source: Fox News Fox News reported that Quds Force Commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani visited Putin shortly following UN Security Council unanimous […]
President Obama, There is a better way
Israel Law Center Files Motion in Federal Court to Block Iran Deal
against the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, who were both found guilty of supporting terrorist who perpetrated vicious terror attacks that killed and wounded dozens of American citizens more […]