The Iconoclast
The Real Story on how Three American Heroes foiled the Jihad Terrorist on the Thalys Train
Three American Heroes USNG Alek Skarlatos,USAF Airman Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler The real story finally emerged over night on who the three American friends and heroes were who subdued the […]
When It Comes To Controlling Human Beings There Is No Better Instrument Than Lies
“In a dying civilization, political prestige is the reward not of the shrewdest diagnostician but of the man with the best bedside manner. It is the decoration conferred on mediocrity […]
Woman Fired From Belks and Banned from Mall for Criticising Islam
This is the kind of case the ACLU should take, but we all know they won’t.
US Marines Subdue Moroccan Jihad Terrorist on Thalys Train in France
Thalys Train terrorist attack victim Arras, France Source: France/Reuters According to U.K. Telegraph, AP , New York Times and other media reports, a Moroccan émigré jihadist boarded the Thalys fast […]
Girl Lived In London With Beheading Pictures
Unarmed US marines foil attack by Moroccan gunman with Kalashnikov and handgun on train – follow live updates
From the The Guardian. Updates from posted by Rebecca The suspect, of Moroccan origin, is known to intelligence services, AFP reports. Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel, has said the shooting […]
Was the Rocket Attack from Syria on Northern Israel ordered by Iran?
Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on a tour of the northern border, August 18, 2015. (Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO) Yesterday, four rockets fired from […]
While on the train to Paris…
Shall we lay odds on the religious persuasion of the gunman?
The Fiamengo File on Roosh V
Apparently Canada is having a big debate over somebody named Roosh V – never heard of him. Here, Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses how feminists use […]
Bangkok Bombing Suspect is a Muslim, Mohamad Museyin
Gosh, whoda thunk it? From the
Will The IAEA Road Map Side Deal Controversy Upend the Iran Nuke Deal Congress Vote?
Scary Musical Interlude
I don’t know why, and maybe some of you can help me here, but this always makes me think of this as well. […]
President Obama’s Latest Perfidy on Iran Nuclear Deal
Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Moscow, August 18, 2015 It has been a spectacular week for Russia and Iran. Monday, Foreign Ministers Lavrov and Russia and […]
Landlords and Tenants
If one used only the Guardian as a guide to reality, one would imagine that, where property rental was concerned, only landlords were dishonest and exploitative, never tenants. There are […]
Authorities Keep Seven Aussie-Passport-Holding Muslims Inside Australia Rather Than Letting Them Leave (And After That, Preventing Their Return)
As reported just today by the (Sydney) Telegraph and by the ABC. First, the Telegraph version, from Simon Benson, which refers only to the first batch of five; two others […]
That was the moment I realized I couldn’t work for [StemExpress] any more.
Transcript from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, a mega-clinic in San Jose, California that has an annual budget of $100 million or 10 percent of the national organization. O’Donnell, who turned […]