The Iconoclast
Why is Boston the Hub of Violent Islamic Extremism?
When we posted on ISIS-Inspired terrorism in Boston and vicinity, we wrote: Two news stories have suddenly brought attention to ISIS-inspired terrorism in Boston and vicinity. One involved ISIS –inspired […]
Israel, Besieged But Keeping Its Wits About It
Since what Israel experiences is what many other countries in the Western world, quite unnecessarily, are now beginning to experience, I thought I’d take a look at how that “great […]
Ivan Rioufol: The Teachers Of France And The Ideology That Sustains So Many
The ideology that grips so many of the corps of teachers in France, in which”the (Muslim) immigrant” has taken the place of “the worker.” Rioufol describes new methods to silence […]
Arab Immigrants Who Came "Seeking A Better Life" In Alabama
More on the EBT fraud investigation and arrests in Alabama. It may call to mind the ring of Hezbollah operatives who lived by smuggling cigarettes from North Carolina to New […]
In Gaza, Extremists Kill Extreme Extremists, And So On
Here. The detail of most interest, in this tale of killers killing killers, is that the killer killed was asleep, at home, with “27 members of his family.” These “families” […]
The Bengalis ("Rohingyas") Now The Cynosure Of So Many Ready-Teared Eyes
Imran Khan is outraged. The American government wishes the Burmese would fully welcome those whose relatives arrived, partly because of the inattention to borders by the British when they ruled […]
Henri Guaino, An Aide To Sarkozy, On Those Who Criticize The UMP Meeting About Islam
«C’est extraordinaire. Vous parlez de l’immigration, vous êtes xénophobe. Vous parlez de la sécurité, vous êtes facho. Vous parlez de l’islam, vous êtes islamophobe. Mais on est où?» [“Facho” […]
Muslim Violence In Tourcoing
It’s the “intifada” to some commentators, an “insurrection” to others. It’s Muslim vandalism and violence, a taste of what’s to come, all over Western Europe, unless recognized for the threat […]
Sarkozy’s Republicans Meet To Discuss Islam In France
A brief report here.
How The Guardian Describes The United Airlines Capitulation
In The Guardian story, there is no mention of Tahera Ahmad’s preposterous tantrum over being given, like millions of others, a can of coke with the tab removed, no discussion […]
Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, And Qatar
ISIS-Inspired Terrorism in Boston
Dr. Abdulbadi Abousamra and son the late Ahmad Abousamra, an ISIS top leader Two news stories have suddenly brought attention to ISIS-inspired terrorism in Boston and vicinity. One involved […]
15,000 Troops From Iran Arrive In Syria To See Justice Done
The more this happens, the better. Let the men, money, materiel, from both Sunni and Shi’a neighbors of both Iraq and Syria, come pouring in.
Gambia Expels Lebanese Businessman, A Hezbollah Operative
Like a few regions in South America (e.g., where Paraguay and Brazil meet), West Africa has been good for Lebanese Shiite businessmen to conduct their louche activities which, along with […]
Arab-Owned Convenience Stores In Alabama County Raided, And Look What They Found
What if these Arab-owned convenience stores, check-cashing stores, immigrant-rights Muslim lawyers’ officers, Muslim doctors who live off Medicaid and Medicare patients, Muslim gas station owners, were all made the target […]
The Islamic State And How It Grew
One analysis offered by a former member of Al Qaeda here. Since Aidan Dean is speaking in Qatar, it is understandable that, even if he grasps just how closely the […]