The Iconoclast
Hausman: Anti-Semitism and Jewish Dissonance on the 2016 Campaign Trail
Matthew Hausman at the Irwin J. and H. Ethel Hausman Memorial Speakers Series Ahavath Torah Congregation, Stoughton , Massachusetts Matthew Hausman is a frequent contributor to The New English […]
The Water Crisis In Iran
Here. If the country of Iran can’t support the current population, where will the tens of millions of Iranians (“50 million” the Deputy Minister claims in the article) who will […]
Sunday Leaders Interview with Theodore Dalrymple
Bendigo mosque ‘to attract more Muslim worshippers’ as population grows
Hate preachers and terrorists could be stripped of citizenship under anti-terrorism proposal
In other news, our govt is making noises about revoking citizenship of some of the worst jihad gang bosses we’ve got on our soil (check out the Comments, *some* Aussies […]
Queensland teenager who fled to join Al Qaeda affiliate became radicalised over the internet, an Islamic leader says
*yet another* young non-Muslim Aussie who has swallowed the dawa snake-oil, and Gone Jihad, all the way to Syria. This is tragic, and it’s infuriating. Our schools and parents and […]
Hirsi Ali’s Call For An Islamic Reformation
I had the pleasure this week of meeting Ayaan Hirsi Ali at a most convivial social occasion, having just read her latest book, Heretic. Most readers will be aware that […]
The Pope’s Unbelievable Credulity: Mahmoud Abbas
Here. Does Pope Francis not know — have the Israelis or others not told him — that Mahmoud Abbas was for decades the dutiful henchman of Yassir Arafat? That he […]
Ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi Sentenced to Death
The Clinton-Rodham Nuclear Fallout Family
Mostly about Tony Rodham, but Hugh Rodham also makes an appearance, here. And Clinton’s half-brother the cocaine distributor is also mentioned. Who are the Clintons? What do they want? Are […]
A Headline That Gave Me False Hope
The Muslim Gangs Who Drive The French From Their Homes
Here. The words “Islam” and “Muslim” are not mentioned. But the town is Roubaix. The identity of those who drove the Godefroy family out of their home, through threats and […]
Immigration Control And The Danger Of Schengenland
Today’s poll, at, here.
12-Year-Old Italian Girl Stabbed By Muslim Classmate For Wearing A Crucifix
Here. The Muslim classmate had recently arrived from Senegal, and had been told since childhood about how dangerous and evil Christians were, so threatening this Italian classmate over several days, […]
All Over The West, People Will Second That Motion
Ivan Rioufol: The Intellectuals Now Fleeing The Official Left Over Its Defense And Promotion Of Islam
Here. As always with the Bloc-Notes of Rioufol, the comments are worth reading.