The Iconoclast
Mossad And The Stolen Shoe
Fareed Zakaria, Self Anointed, Self Congratulatory Booster of Today’s Spoiled Millenials
Matthew Walther writes in the thought leader? I do: Fareed Zakaria—CNN host, Time editor-at-large, “the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation,” and the author of at least one “essay […]
Boycott Goal is to Dismantle Israel
In his May 24 and June 7 columns in the Monitor, Robert Azzi presented a case for the “BDS movement,” which seeks to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel for […]
Michael Oren: Obama Overturned A 40-Year Understanding With Israel
Israeli Minister Of Culture And Sport Miri Regev: Not Everything Deserves Public Funds
Miri Regev does not believe in censorship but is quite capable of making the distinction between censorship and some supposed duty of the Israeli government to pay for movies that […]
Beware of the Islamist Threat in Libya
In the early 1980s, the Jeane Kirkpatrick doctrine presented a dilemma facing Western democratic systems: a choice between preferring authoritarian systems and dictatorships, which were pro-Western, and totalitarian systems that […]
Canada is Afflicted by a Pandemic of Defective Moralizing on Native Issues
Stephen Maher wrote here National Post.
ISIS Tweets Pamela Geller’s Home Address
believed to be a British Islamic State jihadist kingpin. The tweet about Pamela Geller, who heads a group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative, came just hours after a third man connected to […]
Greater Persia
How often does one read, in the Middle Eastern press, of those fanatical religious Jews with their dreams of a Greater Israel, always described as extending “from the Nile to […]
All Right-Thinking People Supposedly Decry How Burma’s Government And The Burmese People Deal With The Muslims From Bengal
But you and I don’t, do we? And millions of people all over the weakened West are heartened by how the Burmese are dealing with the growing — inevitably growing, […]
Man with British accent claiming to be doctor appears in new ISIS video urging Muslim medics from England to join jihadis
He actually does have a decent English accent. To often the so-called ‘British’ accent of these boys is a bastard jafraican accent; this one does sound like he was born […]
Hysteron-Proteron At The Times: Leo Rennert On What Is Placed First, What Last, By Judi Rudoren
Indefatigable Leo Rennert does not give up. He keeps trying and trying to make the Times and the Post see the bias — they don’t have to own up to […]
Manuel Valls, Tying Himself In Knots As He Tries To Come To Grips With Islam
Manuel Valls cannot allow himself to simply sit down, think, read, and draw all the most logical and coherent conclusions about Islam, and its adherents, in the West. Instead he […]
Denis MacEoin: A Letter To The National Union Of Students
A letter it is, an open letter, and very much not a billet doux or bon billet de Castres. Instead, MacEoin offers a sober, relentless, unanswerable indictment, setting out exactly […]
James Madison and Alexander Hamilton discuss President Barack Obama
James Madison: Good morning, Alexander. I just read that that the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Zivotofsky v. Secretary of State Kerry, has decided that the U.S. President, now Barack […]
Ahead of UN Report on 2014 Gaza War, Multinational Mission of Generals Find: "Israel not only met but significantly exceeded international legal standards"