The Iconoclast
American Lack of Purpose Will Lead to a Nuclear Iran
It is probably time for those of us who have strenuously opposed acquiescing in Iran’s development of nuclear weapons to throw in the towel. President Obama’s determination to transform his and […]
Diane Rehm, Bernie Sanders, And Her Apparent List Of Israeli Citizens In Congress
A Musical Interlude: El Porompompero (Manolo Escobar)
“El trigo entre todas las flores ha elegido a la amapola…” Listen here.
Erdogan, By The Voters Given Whatfer, Sees His Despotic Power Slipping Away
Libya, Down And Likely Out For The Count
Here. Will it be ghoulishly or gaulishly divisa in partes tres, just as Iraq is likely to become yet again, more or less, those three Ottoman vilayets out of which […]
President Obama’s Failed ISIS Strategy in Iraq
Niqab, Burqa, Hijab — I Say It’s Spinach And I Say The Hell With It
Soeren Kern: Will Muslims Be Exempt From Learning About The Murder Of Europe’s Jews?
JCS Chief General Dempsey’s last hurrah in Israel amidst alleged Israeli Cyber Spying on Iran Talks
JCS Chief Gen. Martin Dempsey and IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Gadi Eizenkot, Tel Aviv, June 9, 2015 Source: Reuters Outgoing Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. […]
By The Exertions Of Better Men
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much […]
Beware of the Color Orange
The war against the State of Israel never ceases. At one moment in May 2015 it is the attempt of the deputy secretary of Fatah and head of the Palestinian […]
Uber-Sunnis Killing The Druze — Time For A Druzistan?
Here. This will have repercussions. Already many Druze in Israel volunteer for the IDF. The Druze in the Golan for years pledged allegiance to the Assad regime, and deplored the […]
Ivan Rioufol: The Infantilisation Of The French Political Elite
Kurdish Hopes And Dreams
Here. The existence of an independent Kurdistan, likely to be established in what is now northern Iraq, would encourage Kurds elsewhere to seek inclusion, whether those Kurds live in Syria, […]
"Life Reeked With Joy"
Anders Henriksson’s classic compilation of sentences from student papers, re-posted here.
Pierre, Or The Ambiguities
Or if you prefer: Felix Krull, Confidence Man. The latest group of sheep to be taken in, by the latest wolf, a mysterious someone with a black Maserati, and a […]