The Iconoclast
Ivan Rioufol: Arnaud Montebourg, One More Among So Many Ostriches
Spain ‘in eye of the storm of jihad’, warns expert
From the Spanish edition of The Local A German-American foreign policy expert warned that Spain is at a heightened risk of radical jihadists, even as the government continues its crackdown […]
Mosul church turned into mosque by ISIS
From the
Jerusalem is in Israel
International differences over territory and legitimacy of states are neither rare nor obscure, but the unparalleled number of religious, ethnic, symbolic, political, national, and legal factors concerning Jerusalem make it […]
Aussie Politician Ewen Jones, MP, Swallows the Myth of Muslim Victimhood and Peddles the Lie that Resisting Jihad Causes Jihad
As reported by Eliza Borrello for the ABC just yesterday. “Liberal MP Ewen Jones Says Tackling Racism Against Muslims In Australia Will Help Curb Extremism”. Racism? What “race” are […]
One Small First Step in Self-Defence Against Jihad: Australia Promises Laws to Strip Citizenship from Dual-Nationality Terrorists
There is much, much more that could be done and should be done, and nobody is yet clear-headed enough to state what ought to be obvious: that measures of this […]
Denis MacEoin: Badawi, His Lawyer, And Saudi Arabia
Just Wondering: Who Are The Girls?
The story is from April, but I was unaware until now of the telling photograph here.
Youssef Al Yafai: A Backward-Looking Glance At The Six-Day War
He’s unable to see that Israel never tried to disrupt its neighbors, or set them one again another. It was never Israel that wanted war with the Arabs. War, Jihad, […]
There can be no peace in Jordan until the world appreciates the country’s true ethnography
written with Salim Mansur and first published in the
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995
Jerrold Sobel writes in the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and the will of the current Congress, President Obama joined the ranks of previous feckless administrations refusing to move the American Embassy […]
Obama Must Join Putin in the Fight Against Islamist Terrorism
Western concern with Russia in the last few years has largely been about actions in Ukraine. Important though that issue may be, the more significant issue and the greatest threat […]
Into Darkness
Of the making of books there is no end; but seldom can there have been so appalling a spur to writing—or at least to dictating—a book as that felt by […]
Canada’s treatment of aboriginals was shameful, but it was not genocide
I yield to no one in my fervour to make amends to the native people for violations of treaty rights and other mistreatment, but the phrase “cultural genocide,” as I […]
Uproar over Iran Nuclear Program at the Jerusalem Post 2015 Annual Conference
It is not often that Obama Cabinet secretaries get booed and jeered by American Jewish activists in public for presenting the Administration’s case for a possible P5+1 deal with […]
Erdogan Foiled — The Despot Won’t Be Quite So Despotic From Now On
Here. “This is the victory of democracy over loutishness, of freedom over oppression, of modesty over conceit, of peace over war,” he[an oposition party leader] said.