The Iconoclast
An Ayatollah’s Daughter Who Has Slipped Her Mental Traces
A story, told possibly a bit too breathlessly, of an Ayatollah’s daughter who has — it isn’t stated but you and I know — had her fill of Islam, and […]
Should we be concerned about the latest Anthrax Release?
US Army Dugway, Utah Proving Ground The abrupt news that live anthrax samples had been shipped from the US Army Dugway proving ground to laboratories in the US, an […]
Victory in Europe, 1945 by András Mezei
translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land (June 2015) 1 MEMORIES ? Like burnt grass, my life endures after the hunger, strife and terror – The sword, […]
Another Tree
by Bibhu Padhi (June 2015) Look at the trees and smile; leave each tree alone, all to itself. more>>>
Alright Already, We Get The Picture — They Have What It Takes Every Which Way
Except, of course, in making their case and in negotiating agreements with the Arabs. But in the life-as-it-is-lived aspect, all of their advances, heralded and unheralded, in so many different […]
Swimmers On The Eisbach
by William Ruleman (June 2015) (Munich, Englischer Garten, 8 June 2014) You let yourself be swept upon Time’s swirling stream In couples, pairs, or all alone As in a […]
The Voyage
by David P. Gontar (June 2015) The three rows of tarnished gas lamps were already roaring at the dock when she arrived. Clouds of ephemeral insects twitched and chittered in the […]
Skepticism About Single-Winner Prizes
by Richard Kostelanetz (June 2015) My opinion of the practice of giving a medal to any poet over the age of ten is not high. — Northrop Frye, The Bush […]
The Sick and the Well: Playing at Life in "Daisy Miller"
by Janet Tassel (June 2015) Even after more than a century, Henry James’s 1878 story, “Daisy Miller,” retains its central problem: How to respond to Daisy, with pity or contempt? […]
Mea Culpa, Dos: A Reconsideration of John Dos Passos
by Samuel Hux (June 2015) Almost forty years ago I reviewed John Dos Passos’s last (and posthumously published) novel, Century’s Ebb, which was subtitled The Thirteenth Chronicle. In the 1950s […]
Atheism as a Value System
by Ankur Betageri (June 2015) We atheists, children of reason and science, have been judged harshly and unfairly. We have been seen as monsters and brutes: as coldblooded unemotional psychopaths […]
SoHo Zuked Again & Me Exploited
by Richard Kostelanetz (June 2015) Since Rutgers University Press has recently published a “25th Anniversary Edition” of Sharon Zukin’s Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change, I want first […]
The Oslo Abomination: Israel’s Socialist Peacemakers
by Sha’i ben-Tekoa (June 2015) One benefit of the bloody fiasco that became the Oslo Peace Process launched on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993 by President of the […]
Agitprop On The Internet
Here. The names thought up and distributed to the bloogers are imaginative: koka-kola23, green_margo and Funornotfun. That could be a party game: think up the best bloggers’ names in the […]
How One Southern California Jewish Federation Undermines Student Zionism at a State University
by Jerry Gordon (June 2015) Imagine a well-paid Jewish Federation head bullying Jewish students and faculty on a major California university campus about demonstrating support for Israel, all while currying […]
Christian Zionism: The Antidote for the World’s Oldest Hatred
by Tricia Miller (June 2015) In what was an historic, precedent-setting event, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) sponsored a conference titled “People of the Land: A Twenty-First Century […]