The Iconoclast
Burak Bekdil: Turkey, The NATO Member That Has Been Helping The Islamic State
A Musical Interlude: All Of Me (Russ Columbo)
Listen here.
An Exam Question For Mandarins
“His man’s when is no otherman’s quandour.” Please discuss.
Yet Another Muslim Marriage Ruse To Remain In The West
The West — the West that is to be hated, but all of its many benefits, including the security, the freedom from violence, that the advanced non-Muslim provides, as well […]
Dr. Mordechai Kedar On Muslims In The West
Anti-Semitism Goes to School
Ruth Wisse writes in Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus faithfully captures scenes of the violence that often attends this new academic experience. Nor are students […]
President Obama’s Anti-Israelism Dissected
President Barack Obama and Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg in Oval Office This past Memorial Day Weekend Jews observed the Festival of Shavuot (spring harvest festival) celebrating the giving of the law […]
The Muslim Population and the Democracy Index
Sierra Rayne writes in the
Campaign In Algeria: Be A Real Muslim Man, And Veil Your Women
It’s been all downhill since the French left in 1962. Algeria never attained to the secularism of Tunisia. It had no Bourguiba, but only a Boumedienne, and instead of his […]
Sunni/Shia 1400-Year-Old War
The Sunnis, who are the majority of the Muslims in the world, believed that they should voluntarily choose Mohammed’s successor. They chose Abu Bakr, the father of Aisha, the ninth […]
Soeren Kern: Just A Month Of Muslims
Turkey TV talent show: Woman contestant shot in head
In France, The Left Has Lost Its Minds
Convert to Islam or Die! Mayor of Antwerp Given Ultimatum by Extremists
local media reported Monday. A sign written in French stating threats against de Wever, who is also the head of the nationalist political party the New Flemish Alliance, was placed on one of the main […]
One of UK’s ‘most dangerous’ paedophiles was questioned and released by police in 2012
Another Muslim girl sexual abuser and trafficer, caught by Operation Sanctuary. From the
Why European NGO’s and the Red Cross Are Real Enemies in Israel
Tuvia Tenebom writes in the