The Iconoclast
Pope Francis and the Palestinians
All reports are clear that Pope Francis on meeting Mahmoud Abbas, now in the 10 th year of his four-year term as President of the Palestinian Authority, in the Apostolic Palace of […]
Syria says Islamic State executes hundreds in Palmyra
From tweeted pictures and details of some of those killed. One of the nurses he names as Elsewhere it is claimed that she had American citizenship.
In Dabiq Magazine, A Stout Islamic Defense Of Sexual Slavery
Jeanette Bougrab: In France Still No Grasp Of The Muslim Menace
An interview with Jeanette Bougrab, here.
Annika McKenzie, A Concerned Parent
The Latest Addition To Las-Vegas-By-The-Kaaba
Here. The Guardians of the Two Holy Places have no taste; the damage they have done to Mecca can, however, be considered by those who dislike Islam to be a […]
Uzay Bulut: Europe, Hamas, And The Road To Statehood
At The Gatestone Institute, here.
ISIS Pledges To Expel All Shiites From Arabian Peninsula
Why not? The Shiites are not real Muslims but dangerous hypocrites,and even worse than Jews and Christians, they are Rafidite dogs, they are Safavid swine. That’s the view of Uber-Sunnis, […]
Endless Cruelty Of The Slave-Masters Of Qatar
And their Nepalese slaves, who are building the infrastructure for Qatar-corrupted FIFA, are not allowed even to return home for funerals. Story here. There’s not much to be done save […]
Three Muslims, Apparently All French Converts, Suicide Bombers In Iraq
All three identified themselves in those names converts just love to concot for themselves (what a thrill these names, this special language, provides these miserable wretches) as “Abu” this or […]
At NYU’s English Department, An Order Of Human Rights And Indigeneity (And Hold The English)
The degringolade in American education continues, in every possible way. A telling NYU Job Announcement, no different in its dismal intent and disastrous effect from a thousand others, here.
Why We Honour Queen Victoria
Tomorrow is the 195th birthday of Her Imperial Britannic Majesty Victoria, Queen and Empress, which we celebrated with the holiday last Monday. All my youth, with the fireworks displays, it […]
It’s Not Psychology, It’s You
Leslie Mann interviews Theodore Dalrymple in the
A Little More About that Formerly-Aussie-Resident Muslim Who’s Now Dead In Syria; While the Prime Minister Wastes His Time Urging Muslims Not To Heed the Jihad Directive
As reported in the Herald-Sun, by James Dowling and Tom Minear. “Teen (it would be more accurate to say, “Young man” – 19 is old enough to vote, drink, […]
What’s Happening In Palmyra Is As If Muslim Fanatics Had Seized The Louvre
“La folie barbare de l’Etat islamique” in Palmyra (Tadmor) should be understood as akin to the Islamic State seizing the Louvre, and destroying what it contains (except, of course, for […]
And Yet Another Aussie-Passport-Holding Muslim Gets Killed Waging jihad With Islamic State in Syria
It is, of course, not absolutely certain, as yet. But it seems highly probable. News that broke at the beginning of this week. “Melbourne Teen Irfaan Hussein Reportedly Killed […]